Hyper thyroid

Hi Ya’ll, it’s me again. Been a long time.

A little bit of an update.

Will be 18 soon. YAY.

My son will be a year in less than a week! EXCITED.

My boyfriend and I have been talking about getting engaged. (NOT my son’s father)

I had Graves’ disease and now that is FIXED. Not happy that my doctors have not called me back and I called them on Monday. Doctors think that they are on the top of the world.
I have been looking into online college because it would be much much too hard to go on campus. I am looking forward to getting a job or going to school. I HOPE to be getting my license on June 6th. Wish me luck.
A little bit of backtracking to the health issues. I have a heart condition that causes my heart to beat really fast like 200+ beats per minute sometimes. My doctor wants me to go to a new Doctor because she wants me to have surgery. I ended up in the ER that same day that I had an appointment with the new Doc and he did not even come down and talk to me even though it was the reason why I ended up in the ER.

Thanks ya’ll!



The thought of my baby being here with me now is very exciting. I wish I could hold him already. I want to see him and kiss him and tell him all the lovely things that can only be spoken with him there.

As much as I want him here with me now, I know that I need to wait. I really want him to be born with his full 40 weeks. :)) Though, really it doesn’t matter what I want. He will be here when he decides to come. :)) Which sounds cute!

I’m excited. This experience has been great. And I know there is still a lot to discover. I am only 28 weeks. Though, I will be 29 weeks in two days. Time is going by and I prefer it this way. I guess I just need to be more patient. Only 12 weeks left…. almost 11 weeks left. :))

Time really is going by rather quickly. :))

Round two.

I had my son, he’s four months old now. (: Love him to death<3

And now the aaahhhmazing news. I’m pregnant. AGAIN. At least my period is a week late. IT was NOT planned this time… Here out my story before you judge. I’m getting a home test soon. Tomorrow, I hope, and taking it Thursday morning.

Okay, I wanted the Implanon birth control, right? You can get it at your six-week check-up. My appointments to get it got rescheduled a MINIUM of TEN times. I am not kidding. So, I missed getting my birth control and I had been getting periods… And having sex. So yes, it is my fault for not using protection, but it is equally my doctor’s fault for having my ‘6-week checkup’ be a 12-week check-up & rescheduling me every time. Hey, condoms break & withdrawal fails. Don’t judge me.

I don’t know what I want to do. We aren’t ‘struggling’ with this baby. He’s content, never cries, and sleeps almost all night. Having another baby when my son would be one year old is impossible for me. My boyfriend (& children’s father) works 12 hours days, 12 hours nights, & 40 hours a week (shift work, different days of course.) So I have handled our son by myself with no problems at all, but taking care of a newborn and a one-year-old?! Please kill me.

I never considered abortion with my first. He was planned, but so far the father would ‘kick me in the stomach’. So he doesn’t want it… I honestly don’t think I could go through with adoption at all. It would kill me. Yes, I understand abortion kills a fetus, but I just could not give the child a proper life. Money is tight enough as it is & another baby would just break us.

I just want advice from someone who has had one baby and terminated the next pregnancy or has had two babies with the same due date exactly a year apart.

Maybe we’ll all die in December 2012 and I won’t have to worry about it. Ah.

So much has changed.

My son is a month old tomorrow. My waters broke exactly a month ago today.  I should still be pregnant. My bump should be getting much bigger, and my baby boy should be inside my belly, but he isn’t. Never imagined him actually coming that early. 16 weeks before my due date is a lot. I have never been so scared in my life. Still being my mum’s baby child makes it crazy that I’m worrying about my child.

A lot has changed though:

  • For a start, I’ve grown up a lot! More than I thought I would.
  • Me and my fiancé are so much more in love. We get on so much. Even though I live with his family, I get on with them more than I thought. He proposed so we are now engaged. I did not at all expect that. We have our occasional arguments but nothing too bad.
  • I go to school 1 or 2 days a week now, preparing for my upcoming exams. Trying to make sure I get decent grades…to make everyone proud.
  • I met my dad. After 15 years, I met the man who helped make me. It was so weird, crazy scary. I didn’t call him dad, and I won’t call him dad to his face, not yet anyway. But he is my dad and when I describe him to people, I call him my dad. He came up for an hour or so to meet my boy. He was so shocked. Also, my sister from my dad’s side wants to meet me, she is 20 and asked me if she could come to the hospital to meet me and my son. Of course, I said yes. I can’t wait to meet all my new family.
  • I’m slowly losing my baby weight, actually miss my bump.

I’m not just a teenager anymore, I’m a mummy. I have responsibilities. I have to go up to the hospital to visit and parent my baby boy. Even if it’s just a few hours or it’s the whole day and night, I am always up there. My life has gone downhill, raising a premature baby. It is incredibly hard although the nurses do most of it.

My boy was born weighing 2 pounds 1/2 an ounce. Quite big for how early he was. he gains weight each day, it’s unbelievable. Now he weighs 2 pounds 7 ounces.  He’s not quite taking well to bottles, so he’s still on a feeding tube. But as soon as that tube goes and he starts bottles, he’ll gain even more weight. He’ll be eating much more. As soon as he comes off oxygen, we should start trying him on breast/bottle.

For my boy to come home, he should weigh a sustainable weight, at least 4 pounds. Be in an open crib rather than an incubator. At least 6-8 wet nappies each day. And passing stools regularly. He should be breathing a lot on his own, but on oxygen is allowed.  We have been estimated another 4-6 weeks in NICU and after that he moves to SCBU for a few weeks. So probably another 6-8 weeks. Seems like such a long time.

I’m so proud of myself, for getting this far in life. I’m a mummy to a beautiful baby boy, my gorgeous fighter. He already looks so much like me and my son, can’t wait till he comes home-just to see how much he’ll weigh. He small. He’ll be in his car seat. He adorable. He’ll be in his little outfits and most of all to watch him grow up at home. I’m amazingly stunned at how well he’s doing.

And well basically, I wouldn’t be this strong if I didn’t have all the support i do have. My boyfriend, my family, my family in law, my friends and all the girls on this site.

Lost in Society.

So. In January I lost my 2nd baby. I took a slight break from the SUG network. and, I got a new love, Tim. and I moved out, and tried life on my own. I was doing SO GOOD. I even got my period in April… I have a fertile body, so it doesnt take much for me to gett pregnant. Okay. so I turned 18 April 21st, and I have been doing great. I broke up with Tim over me wanting to go to Washington. This saturday, I’m going to Washington. Catch… I’m 4 weeks and 5 days pregnant. it’s a fight. all of it. I’m so lost!!! I think everyday.. I’m 18, and if everything worked… i’d be a mom of 3. i really hope i can carry a healthy baby full term. til then, i’ll float in the sea of uncertainty. <3

Dear Unborn Baby

You weren’t planned for a second.

But that doesn’t mean anything,

You’re a blessing in disguise.

That’s what I hoped they’d see.

I cry every day at the thought of losing you.

My Sweet Angel

I already fell in love with you.

But I can’t help feel something wrong.

Something’s not quite right with you.

I pray that you’re okay.

That the doctor gives me some good news.

Love always Mommy <3