Sex is Valuable
This is how I see it. Sex is valuable. I’m a virgin, not because I’m scared of sex or insecure in my sexuality. I’m a virgin, not because I’m sheltered or mentally askew. I’m a virgin because I know who I am as a woman made in the image of God. I’m a virgin because I refuse to become “one flesh” (Mark 10:8) with a man who has not made a life commitment to me. I’m a virgin because I am a passionate proponent of keeping the sanctity, beauty and value in sex.

What Do New Year’s Resolutions and Marriage Have in Common?
During this time of year most people begin making resolutions to improve something in their life. Many people start going to the gym, learning a foreign language, or begin a class. Some people are able to successfully stick with their resolutions, but others are not. In some ways marriage is similar to New Year’s resolutions. Some couples are able to stick with it and others are not. What is that makes these two things similar? Commitment.

New Year’s Eve is a holiday that is notorious for excessive drinking. It is easy to get carried away when you are out having a good time, and it’s also difficult to realize when you’ve had too much. Unfortunately, I have spoken with many women who drank or did drugs while celebrating only to find out later that they are pregnant. Many of these same women wonder if they should get an abortion because their baby will be hurt by what they have done.

This time of year is called Advent. Advent is a Latin word meaning arrival, and in this context it refers to the arrival of Christmas. The period of time, which we are in right now, is characterized as a time of waiting because we wait for the arrival of Christmas.
Waiting is not something unique to Christmas time, though, we spend a lot of our time waiting. But I have found that one of the most important things that we should wait for is marriage and sex.

‘He killed my baby, he killed my baby!’: The day I lost my daughter to the Culture of Death
– by Jason Jones
It was two days before my seventeenth birthday, a Saturday morning, the day after a football game in which I’d played. So I was tired and sore, but I could smell breakfast coming from downstairs and somebody was walking up the stairs. I was half asleep. The door opened: it was my girlfriend, I smiled, of course—but from the look on her face I could see that this wasn’t called for. This was a serious moment. I steeled myself.

This past year I was in a job that nearly killed me. Every morning I dreaded going into work. The weekends were no better; I spent Saturday and Sunday filled with loathing for what the new week would bring. Nothing in my life was going the way it was supposed to. I had two master’s degrees; life was not supposed to be this hard, I thought.
I had lost hope. I could not foresee myself ever getting out of my job and I thought I would be trapped for life, doomed to be miserable. Finally, after eleven painful months, I quit. Since then my life has completely turned around and I am doing something I absolutely love! Although I would never want to relive what I went through, I find that I am now able to be grateful in even the worst of situations.
You may be going through something similar. Here are some ways to be grateful when there is nothing to be grateful for.