Today, in the present day, I am faced with the chance of pregnancy again. Once again, to a one night (or four day) stand. We met through my old blog (since deleted) and began emailing back and forth. Not small emails either, lengthy ones that are worthy of being parts of book chapters. We were interested in each other.

When I was 14 I my boyfriend and I decided we should start a family (he was 17), well.. What were we thinking!? Anyways, about 3 months after trying to conceive, I got pregnant! But I was definitely in denial! I missed my period each month and just made myself think nothing of it, then the baby started to move and kick and it started to feel real.
Well i was 16 and was loving life i wasn’t the best behaved teenager i had messed around in school and left with nothing so was looking to get a job to sort my life out but what happened next changed me changed my life and my future – well it was a Friday night and me and all my mates were heading out to the’park to get drunk whilst out i met some guys never before met them me and my friend went back to the lads house while she was with one i got to no the other this ended up me in his bed with no protection the next morning we literally ran off to say the least i just thought that was that i would never see or speak to him again how wrong was i a few weeks later i realized i hadn’t come on my period but thought nothing of it two more weeks passed and that’s when me and my mates went to central youth center and I took a pregnancy test. Positive!!!

I am 17 and just found out at my gynecologist office just there to pick up a refill of my birth control on January 15, 2014 that I am pregnant with my almost 20 year old boyfriend’s baby. We have not told our families for different reasons.
When you do take the home pregnancy test, it doesn’t quite seem real. But when you see the baby and the heartbeat on the ultrasound, it’s so incredible!
It just hit me that i am going to be a mother. i have been feeling like i am getting very connected with my son now. he is totally going to be a soccer player. i am glad i get to have this experience and it is amazing.
I have been going through a lot of stuff with the father of my baby. he has not been a part of it. once he found out he decided to accuse me of cheating. He thought is that it is going to get him out of being a dad. How i see it is he will be a dad no matter what. Just because he is not a part of our babies life does not mean it will not come back and bit him in the butt. and it will!!
I feel like i should just be patient with him but another part of me is feeling that i should be preparing my self for raising my son by my self. I hope i wont have to but i probably will start to get that mind set of i am a single mom and i know i will be a lot more protective over my son after he is born.
I am really not prepared to be a mother but I’ve heard that it will come to me. so i hope i am one of the lucky ones and i turn out to be a natural mother. well i hope so.i have a feeling every thing is going to turn out okay.
I found out I was pregnant during Spirit Sports Northeast Knockout in January of 2013. It was day 1 of the competition and we were at warm ups and I felt sick. I’ve been cheering since I was 3 and I always felt sick during competition because the nerves were getting to me.But this time it was different. We were competing for a bid and practice hasn’t been that good. I’ve been throwing up, I’ve been having mood swings, I was hoping it would be my period.