Hi, I was pregnant before on September 18th 2013! I had a miscarriage on February 20th 2014! I was 22 weeks pregnant! Her name is Misa Grace Parkinson! She supposed been born on June 25th 2014! So it been like almost 10 weeks now! I thought I would of gotten lesser pregnancy symptoms, but instead I got more! I will tell you why I think I am pregnant!
I got pregnancy signs (like I said)! 🙂 They are: Breast tenderness, Fatigue, Headaches, Mood swings, Nausea, Frequent urination. And bit more!
I also just finish this wearied bleeding last night, which was Tuesday 29th April, I start on Saturday 26th April, that was spotting! The colour was pinkish, brownish, orange and odd red, but it is more pinkish and brownish! I am also getting this tummy round, bump, (not to sound rude) but I am getting back where I couldn’t see my private part when I take a shower! Day after my miscarriage I went down completely back to normal, in a day! So I don’t think that be the cost of this bump! I also feel wearied movements in my tummy! I also thought my boobs would of going down because the milk stop running from it on March 8th 2014, but it still feel full! I collate that if I am pregnant I wold be around 5 weeks because of that wearied bleeding! I do want a baby because I want to take care of something that will look up at me knowing that I am there for him/her every single day and every single minute! 🙂 I am going to hospital on the Thursday 8th May, to do the blood test pregnancy! So please tell me what you think it could be of, with all of it! 🙂 Thank you for reading! ^_^
Finding Out I was Pregnant. To start off, I kind of figured out that I was pregnant before actually going to the doctors. My menstrual cycle is like clockwork (ALWAYS ON TIME) and I knew that I had had a few times of unprotected sex. So when I didn’t get my period the first month, I thought well it might be stress-induced because I was crammed with school work.
Then I started getting sick and becoming more fatigued, which was unusual because I never get sick to my stomach. So I got worried and I let my boyfriend know something may be going on. He was like your fine, you are just really stressed and need to relax and this was just a warning sign of my body telling me to rest. So I pushed it aside.
Month two came and still no period. So I went to my adviser. Well, I guess things aren’t kept confidential anymore because somehow my grandmother all of a sudden wants to take me to the doctors because my adviser called her. So the day came for the appointment and I was really nervous because my grandmother didn’t know that I started having sex again (previously celibate).
The doctor calls me back and ask for my last menstrual cycle which I don’t remember. Next, she asked for a sample of urine which I gave. Then she comes out and my grandmother says that I need to go on birth control, but the doctor stops her and says the test came back positive. And my face drops.
Next words that came out of my grandmother’s mouth which really hurt me were “So you’re going to terminate this baby”. I can’t believe she asked me that question. I literally wanted her to just leave.
I called my boyfriend and gave him the news. And at first, he was yelling, then came crying but after a hour, he calmed down. He asked so many question like he didn’t know how girls got pregnant. I am nervous and scared to the point I don’t know what to say or do, or even talk about.

I found out i was pregnant in February, My girlfriend/partner made me take hpt. I was nerves and scared, i thought she was going to break up with me. Even though it wasn’t surprise to me but just to have her in the bathroom with me made me feel shocked to see a positive sign. I know whom ever is reading this is wondering how i got pregnant and have a girlfriend.

According to a research that was recently conducted, girls with disability have higher chances of facing violence as compared to the ones without disability. This violence can be in the form of sexual, verbal or even emotional assault. What’s worse is that such violence against girls with disability is expected to last for a longer time than the normal average. This means these girls are made to go through an ordeal which very few of us know about. We hardly read about it, and few people are sensitive about the issue too.
Thank you for Giving me Life, Mom!
I don’t what it is about that “Dallas Buyers” cast, but they proved to be pretty classy guys at last night’s Oscars. Lead actor winner Matthew McConaughey praised God for his first Oscar win – a breath of fresh air during a night in which He seemed to be all but forgotten. But, before McConaughey praised the Almighty, his costar Jared Leto also shared a beautiful message in his acceptance speech for Best Supporting Actor.
Leto, like McConaughey, was a first time Oscar winner last night. As such, he took advantage of the opportunity to share his mom’s courageous story:
In 1971, Bossier City, Louisiana, there was a teenage girl who was pregnant with her second child. She was a high school dropout and a single mom, but somehow she manage to make a better life for herself and her children. She encouraged her kids to be creative, to work hard and to do something special. That girl is my mother and she’s here tonight. And I just want to say ‘I love you mom, thank you for teaching me to dream.’
I want to thank Jared Leto for using the Oscar stage to recognize and appreciate his mother’s life giving decision. She proved that even as a teenage, high school dropout, she could succeed as a mother. She had no idea her son would win an Oscar one day.
Does this not prove that every human life has potential? Even if it was not his intention(a quick Google search suggests the actor is pro-choice), I hope Leto’s speech will encourage other scared, young women out there who are debating what to do about their pregnancies, to give their unborn child a chance. Their son or daughter may thank them on stage one day.
By Cortney O’Brien | Mar 03, 2014

You are craving chocolate ice-cream at two in the night, laughing aloud one moment and feeling completely worthless the next. Your nesting instincts are on an all-time high and you want to scrub those floors sparkly clean and feed everyone some pudding.You don’t even understand why the sunset made you cry and why just the sight of that bagel can start up a session of vomiting.