I was 18 when I got pregnant by a 16 year old boy. I contemplated abortion, but just couldn’t do it. I had my son about a month after my 19th b-day. I had been with this boy since I was 15; as parenthood changes us all this boy of 16 took a turn for the worse. I found myself a teenage mother in an abusive relationship. He sold cocaine while I collected foodstamps and welfare. I went to a junior college for about 1.5 years, but just couldn’t make it mentally, emotionally, financially, and most of all physically. I decided to join the Air Force so that I would have a way to take care of myself and my son. The only catch was that good ol’ Uncle Sam doesn’t allow single parents to join the military. I could sign over all parental rights to my parents, but from day one I never expected my parents to raise my child, so that option was out. I could get married to my son’s father and divorce him b/c once in the military it is okay to become a single parent. He and I were separated at the time and he agreed to this for us.
It was the 4th of July…I was getting ready to watch the fireworks downtown with my wonderful, handsome boyfriend. If I would have known that this would have been the eve that I conceived my first child, perhaps I would have made some different choices…
Dear Becky — God has blessed me with 2 beautiful little girls. Ever since I was a teenager I wanted to be a mom. I was married at 25 and then had 2 little girls. I feel very sad for any woman who is in a situation where abortion seems an option. I am not standing in judgment although spiritually I do feel abortion is wrong as no-one has the right to terminate the life of a creation of God-hence the commandment “thou shalt not kill”.
I am writing to you to tell all prospective moms that Motherhood is a God given gift and blessing and nothing can compare to the joy and fulfillment one feels when holding your child in your arms. Every new life is part of Gods plan and He doesn’t make mistakes. I wrote this poem in the hope that it would help save at least one unborn child. Feel free to publish it on your site.
Dear Lisa — I am writing you in hopes that maybe my story can help someone. It’s almost ironic. When I found your website in February, I had just found out I was pregnant, and it one one of the very things that helped me decide to keep my baby. Now in May, I’m back here hoping to find some sort of solace for the horrible act I ultimately committed.
I’m 23 years old, I have a full time job, I’m married, we own a home, and my husband is in the military. At the time I found out I was pregnant though, my husband and I were seperated, one of the main reasons for that being that as I got older I wanted children, and he did not. When I told him I was pregnant, he was not happy at all. Immediately he began pushing abortion. I listened to what he had to say, but I already loved the baby that was growing inside me. But he is a very convincing man, and he almost had me convinced that was the right thing to do, altough I still fought him on it.
I walked into the room where my boyfriend of 2 years was waiting for me. I sat down next to him, the nurse then told me that I was pregnant, my boyfriend just hugged me he didn’t know what to say. We had always talked about having a baby but we planned on waiting until we both finished school.
Dear Becky — Hello, My name is Sarah and I am 23 years old. I am a single mother of 3 beautiful children. My oldest, Collen, is 7 years old, he was born on my 16th birthday.
My middle child, Corrine, is 5 years old and was born just after I turned 18, about half way through my senior year of high school. My youngest, Cayleigh, is 13 months old now. I have been reading some of the stories on here and I just wanted to send a little note of encouragement out to all of these young mommies and the mommy to be’s. You’ll hear over and over again that its hard and you’re life will change.