Dear Becky, I’m so encouraged and almost in tears by your site. Reading everyone’s stories and just wishing that something like this was around when I was in high school. Here is my story.
I met my first boyfriend when I was 15 years old and I was a hopeless romantic. I had this dream that I would marry my high school sweetheart and we would be happily ever after. But unfortunately for me, he wasn’t that kind of guy. He was one of those guys who loved virgins because he would be “clean” if he slept with them.
Dear Becky,
I just recently found this website and wanted to share my story. My ex. boyfriend Rich and I, were going out for 2 years. It was a bad relationship, very violent and one sided but we made it to the 2 year mark! On our 2 year anniversary is when I think I conceived. When I missed my period, I automatically knew there was something wrong.

Dear Becky — On February 26th, 2006 I was in a really bad car accident. I was life-flighted to Childrens Hospital where I stayed for 2 1/2 weeks. I lost mobility in my left arm. I can only move my fingers and wrist. After almost 3 months of physical therapy, my doctor decided to try surgery. On May 30th, 2006, I went back to Children’s Hospital. They did many tests on me and…
When I was 18 the summer before I was to start school for Pre-med I met my future husband and before we got married I became pregnant. It was the beginning of the semester when I found out. I was excited and I had already adopted his son so I thought this would be easy. He was worried about all the stress of my school and a baby but I told him I could do it. He also doesn’t believe in abortion.
In May I took the test… it was positive. Neither of us believed that it was right, so i took another the next day. But again, it was positive. I waited until I was a few days late, which never had happened before, to tell my dad. He wasn’t happy at all. He didn’t like my boyfriend, Chris, that much and we had always argued over me being with him.
My 16th birthday had come and I decided to write my mom a letter. I told her how much I already loved this child and how I was ready to give up the life of partying, going out, everything. I told her I was still going to go to school and that I will feel so empty without this baby. But she didn’t listen.