Dear Becky —
I am from South Africa and when I was pregnant I discovered your website and Becky it’s a stunning website, I would like to share my own true story with all the girls across the world, and may be it will help them with decisions They need to make.

My BF doesn’t want my baby and wanted me to abort but I knew from the start I could never go through with an abortion. But i was so scared of being a single mum, like my mum was. But then something was wrong, I panicked and rushed to the docs who sent me for an ultrasound. I was so scared and I knew then if the baby was ok I was meant to bring her into this world. So I lay on the table waiting for the news which would change my life either way. Finally the words I was waiting to hear were voiced

My body started to change and i sleep more frequent than I usually do….my appitite began to change, i never did eat alot i didnt eat anything because i could not hold any food down. I went and bought a pregnancy test and it came back negetive and I was so excited. Then after a few days i began to get morning sickness and I was like there is no way i can be pregnant but i was.

Dear Becky,
I want to share my story with you. I found out I was pregnant when I was 15 years old. I was only in 9th grade. When I told my boyfriend that I was pregnant he said “It’s Not Mine.” Knowing that it was his because he was the only one I have had sex with, I lost my virginity to him. So of course it was his.
I didn’t know what I was going to do or how to tell my mom. My mom freaked out on me but we got through it.

I fell pregnant at 16 years old, in year 10 at a private Catholic School. Almost everyone I talked to discouraged me about carrying my baby—most thought the only reasonable thing to do was to have an abortion. But, acting against the advice of some around me, I chose to go ahead with my pregnancy.

After my boyfriend left my confidence was shattered. His words and his actions bruised my heart, my mind, and the deepest parts of my soul. I still constantly think of the threats he made, which constantly push me to think of my future with Hanna.