Backup info up to today
Had the first ultrasound Monday.  It showed I was 5 weeks and 1 day preg (preg will probably be used from here out, to mean pregnant, to save time and space). I had them explain how that could be when I conceived just over 3 weeks before. The tech tried to explain how they add […]

Had the first ultrasound Monday.  It showed I was 5 weeks and 1 day preg (preg will probably be used from here out, to mean pregnant, to save time and space). I had them explain how that could be when I conceived just over 3 weeks before. The tech tried to explain how they add 2 weeks for some weird reason and that technically, babies are born at 38 weeks, not 40. So, as of today, Friday, 12-12, they say I am almost 6 weeks.

I got a call yesterday that I will see the OB, for the first time, on Tuesday, and then have another ultrasound that afternoon. Because of all my health concerns and age, he wants to see me, personally, before he goes on Christmas vacation.

OK, time for boring stuff:  I got so mad, upset, and irritated Wednesday night. Not having antidepressants makes everything worse. Call me weird, obsessive, or whatever, but I buy all my consumable, household supplies/items once a year — tax refund time. Because I will not be having a period for the next 8 months and because my daughter is using Depo, her flow is minimal, I tried to take the 4 pkgs of pads we would have used back to WM (you know where that is, right?). I also had extra shave cream, feminine wipes, and hair conditioner. When I got my receipt out, they said they could not give me a refund because their return policy was only 90 days. Funny thing though…  I also brought back a bra that was too small without a receipt and they gave me the money back for it.  (??!!)  So I am thinking that I will take the items that were not taken to different WM stores as I get to them and return them without the receipt. I do not get it.  The pkgs are not opened and they are not things that will expire or go bad. They still have these items on their shelf.  Pads, shave cream, and conditioner do not change much. What the heck, you know? I got so upset (because I needed the money) that I started feeling sicker (I have a bit of a head cold), having nausea, and back cramping. It scared me.

More stress: I have not filled you in on my daughter, nor will I say much when I do talk about her. I had to get a paper filled out to get her enrolled in the “Homebound” program through school. You may not understand, but she has a problem where she can not learn by the methods used at her school. I can teach her, what they mean to, in a matter of seconds as compared to her listening to them for an hour everyday. Because she is an excellent student otherwise, she fears doing poorly and will do so because of this. She has gotten to where she will not go to school. I got a truancy letter yesterday. Usually, this problem causes actual, verifiable, physical health problems so we have been able to keep her out because of them and have her keep up with her homework. It has gotten so bad for her that she panicked when I tried to take her to school Wednesday. I decided that Something had to be done right away. So, that brings us today. Her psychiatrist (which I do not think she Really needs), who treats her for depression (mmm, don’t know about that either!), completed the form saying she can not attend school and needs to be in the school’s “homebound” program (tutor comes to the house to teacher her – as is done for those children who are, mostly, physically unable to get to school, say after a near-fatal car wreck or who are in a body cast or these type things). She is more at peace and I am a little less stressed now that I know the school and truant officer will not be harassing me.

Getting tired. Got a lot to do too. Til next time…..

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