Deployment Update month 5

So hes currently deployed. Its every day or at least every other day we talk to each other for 1 to 2 hours. Were at the level of best friends and i enjoy it. Im getting help with all the pain attached to the procedure experience. In march i enlisted in the army for the fact im not eligible for financial aid to go to college, i need insurance and a little discipline wouldnt hurt. Ive graduated (more…)

second Chance???

Well last wendsday i finished school, at least high school for now. I was stoked and got to see a ex the next day at the airport. Needless to say hes changed for the best and really making me think. Its been almost 2 years that we have been best of friend or a couple. I love him with all my heart, hes deploying soon and really want to help him while hes there. I dont want to rush anything at all. (more…)

3rd round in my fight for life

Im getting pissed off lately. It feels like im going in circles. Constantly working, not stopping for a single nap. Im sleep deprived, hungry, and just plain sore. Today is my well deserved day off so its gonna be used for sleep. Last night was perfect for me, homemade soul food and a old Black and white movie. So if all goes as planned im gonna quit both jobs soon. I got my friend coming the 20th (more…)