It’s been 2 years now and everything has been OK.
A few months back, I had a dream and in that dream, I was in a hospital. My mom was there with me and then a nurse came in and gave my mother a baby. She handed that baby to me and said, “He was crying for his mommy.” And I took him and held him. He was wrapped in a blue blanket and wore blue clothes. I couldn’t see his face, but I knew that it was him, my baby 🙂 . That was the most wonderful dream ever and when I woke up, I thought about it and I had a boy. My little angel is a boy :). I have a name for him and it’s Dylan, this name has a wonderful meaning that suits my angel…
I told my boyfriend about what happened and about Dylan. You know not a day passes without him talking about how blessed I am to have a guardian angel who’s always watching over me. He tells me that he is the one and only dad that Dylan has and nothing is gonna change that
These have been the best 9 months of my life since my boyfriend came in the picture. For some reason, I think Dylan brought my boyfriend and I together because there’s been a lot we’ve been through in these 9 months, but not even one moment have I doubted the love that me and him share.
Every tough time we go through, my angel is always there to see us through….
It’s funny how life turns out. One day, you are mommy’s & daddy’s little gal, and the next, you all just don’t agree on anything and everything.
It’s amazing how one can have two hearts and when the weight of the world is on their shoulders manage to keep them beating as one. I just wonder how life would have turned out if I hadn’t given in to pressure, but hey, life has a design and it’s either you follow the pattern or you lose out. I chose not to lose out anymore coz my design was spread out wide and I came across everyone here.
This site is like a home away from home, a pillar of strength, a mother. You can be sure that if you come here with a question, it will be answered. And even when you feel lost, you will surely find your way. I can remember the 1st time I came across this site. I was drowning in misery and sorrow. I got more than what I came here for. I got friends, people who can relate to what i was feeling.
Today, I can say I’m healed from all the heartache and sorrow I feel. I’m a new person who embraces life and its gifts.
A sudden gift, how could it be? One that comes from two times twenty-three
Could it be a heart that beats for me?
My life?
Was it given to me, just only me?
How could I have sent it away?
But I guess it just wasn’t meant for me……….
Caught up in the middle, Oh so young, thinking there’s no one to help…
Never gave family a chance, Hearts that once beat as one now torn apart…
Just because of love for a man that never cared, Left alone to deal with regret, emptiness, pain, and tears
Can’t do nothing about it… Just hoping that life will forgive her one day………
IT was around this time last year when I found out that I was one month pregnant.
I didn’t know what to do and all I could think about was my parents’ reactions coz I was only 16 years old that time. So I called my boyfriend and told him about it and the first thing he said was “Have you considered having an abortion?” I was so confused even scared to tell my sister, so I thought maybe what he suggested was the right thing to do. A few days later, when we were supposed to go do it, he never pitched, so I went there alone. While waiting there, I was asking myself whether this was the right thing to do or not? But I finally made a decision and I went through with it. Days after doing it, I started getting sick, that’s when my parents found out and I even ended up in the hospital. When I called my boyfriend to tell him about what happened, he never said anything and I never saw him for months. My parents were very angry with me but they finally forgave me and life went on as normal. Not a day passes when I don’t pray that God forgives me for what I’ve done. Each day when I think about what I’ve done, I turn into a thousand pieces and I have no one to share my feelings with. If I could turn back time, I would erase what I’ve done and bring back my baby……….