After months of waiting to find out what was making me so sick, I found out that I have cancer. The seizures, blackouts, memory lapses, and weight loss can finally be explained.
I feel so overwhelmed by everything that's going to happen and I would be lying if I said I wasnt scared, because I am. I've seen what cancer can do. The cancer made my aunt weaker, but the the (more…)
Last September I had an ex-bf who died suddenly at 18. His heart had a hole in it and the doctors never knew. He also had a then 2yr-old daughter named Daja, and her mother never wanted her and left her with my ex-bf when she was only a month old. He took sole custody of her with the help of his dad.
My ex cheated on me and that's how he ended up with a daughter. I cared about him and (more…)
My best friend DJ, who also happens to be an ex-bf, is really getting under my skin and into my head. He tells me about girls he's trying to get with, knowing that it bothers me, and then has the nerve to ask if I'm still in love with him…
I feel like he's using me and string me along because he knows that I'm still in love with him. Even though we've both agreed (more…)
I thought I was prego, but sadly I am not. As much as I want another baby, right now isnt the ideal time to concieve or raise one. I'm unemployed, suicidal, and depressed beyong reason. I need to get a better grip on things going on in my life before I bring a child into it. I wanna give my baby eveything it would need, even if that means doing it alone + if I'm going to have a baby the (more…)