well its been a week since i told my mum that i wer pregnant. She told my nana n now shes all excited with herself!! lol its quite funny how they're acting but atleast they're pleased.
So my mum has been like abit pushy wanting to by baby stuff n maternity clothes for me!!! lol to be honest its doin ma head in a lil bit os i fink its abit early to be buyin fings like that… i mean (more…)
Well i finally plucked up the courage to tell my mum… ok it was over the phone but the main thing is that its out in the open now!! PHEWW! How much better do i feel! I expected her to be in total shock and tell me how disappointed she were… But in fact she was very calm and supportive!! WOW! Obviously she asked me what i wanted to do i told her that i was unsure… she was like remember thats (more…)
Im feeling so isolated and lonely… my friends no longer have time for me and i feel like i have no one to turn to. My boyfriend is always there for me but he doesnt really understand what is goin on inside this head of mine… and to be honest neither do i.
I thought that i wanted to keep the baby but no my head is all over the place. I feel like a complete failure and disappointment to (more…)
well last night i spoke to my boyfriend about having second thoughts of having an abortion…and as you can guess it didnt go the way i planned it to. At first he said do whatever you feel is right… and how im wishing i just left it as that. He doesnt want me to have the baby, he thinks it would be easier if i didnt.( yeah for him maybe.) The moment he said that to me i felt my heart break. Now (more…)
I found out i was pregnant 2 weeks ago and thought that abortion was the only option… until i found this site. now i dont know what i should do. iv always been against abortion but i guess its different when your actually put in the situation. i have a totally supportive boyfriend who said will stand by me all the way no matter what decision i make but iv only been with the guy for 3 months. we&# (more…)