Abortion is murder and thus illegal. Why? Because abortion kills a living human being. But a fetus or zygote is just a blob of tissue, right? Wrong, a fetus or zygote has a human genome and all the information he or she needs for the remainder of his or her complete human life from the moment of conception, just as a born human of any age has a human genome and all the information he or she needs for the remainder of his or her complete human life from the moment of his or her most recent birthday. Therefore, a fetus or zygote is a living, human being. The only difference between a human fetus or zygote and a born human of any age is maturity. Henceforth abortion is murder, and since murder is illegal in the United States, thus abortion is illegal as well.
We will get abortion outlawed by advertising this fact to as many people as possible over, and over, and over again!