For those of you that don’t know my story, here it is.
My name is [redacted] and I got pregnant when I was 14. When my boyfriend and I found out we had no idea what to do. Of course, the first thing that came to mind was abortion. Yes, I am totally against abortion and adoption for this matter. I went to a health clinic with my boyfriend and discussed options. We still leaned towards abortion, but I would never do it so I just kept going on like every day was normal.
I hid my pregnancy for 7 months (I didn’t show)… I finally told my mom and she was the one that said I needed to make the decision. So I did. We decided to keep our little baby (of course).
I went for my first ultrasound to find out we were going to have a little baby boy (: He was due on Nov. 18.
I had my regular doctor’s appointment on November 8th. When I got there, he checked my weight and such to find out that my blood pressure was way too high, so I wasn’t allowed to go to school for the rest of the day or the next day. I had an appointment scheduled for when they first opened to check my blood pressure again.
I went there in the morning and he had me lay on my side for about half an hour. He came back and checked my blood pressure and it was higher than the day before. He told us I’d be having my baby boy that day (Nov. 9th). We went to the hospital and they started my IV drip of Pitocin. About an hour after, my doctor came and broke my water. From the time after he broke my water, I started to go into labor. Around 2 pm, I had enough and wanted something to help so I asked for some morphine in my IV… I waited 30 minutes and nothing happened. The nurses said they couldn’t believe how it did nothing.. So I asked for the gas and OMG let me tell you, it did wonders! So from that point on, I was on the gas, and I guess I liked it a bit too much because I wouldn’t stop breathing it and it was making my son’s heartbeat drop, so the nurse had to take it from me a few times… Oops. Just before I went into active labor, the nurses also told us my blood pressure was so high that I could have started to have seizures. Also, the reason for all the high blood pressure was because I had preeclampsia.
Anyway, the time for pushing came. I pushed for 30 minutes and our little boy was out (:. His father cut the cord. He weighed in at 7lbs 10oz and was 19.3 inches long. He had grey eyes and dark brown hair. His name is [redacted]. He has his father’s last name.
For 2 months after, I was home-schooled so I wouldn’t fall behind. After that, I went back for exams and I am still in school (:. I am currently working on my grade 11 year. My boyfriend (FOB) is working, and while I am at school, our son goes to his great-grandma’s. (:
For my plans after school, I plan on going to college to become a registered nurse and to do hair/piercings on the side (: .
Our son is now 10 months and almost walking! He has bright blue eyes and bleach blonde hair (: And he is such the little character, I love him to death.
I regret no decisions leading up to this point <3
I am here to talk to ANYONE,
Message me if you need anything <3
So, I have never used this site before and I don’t really know how to work it, but I am in need of help and I think this site may be able to answer my questions without judgment and or disbelief in me. My story is not unusual, it is actually quite common, But it’s just new to me. Anyways, I am 15 years old and I am having a baby, and holy crap am I ever so young. My boyfriend is 16, and he and I are fighting to keep this child. My life is going to be over, no more parties, no more going out, no more friends or school for a while and I understand all of this. But I do have belief in me that this child will start a new life for me, A more stable life than I have right now. My family is against my wishes. It will be a challenge to get their support in a decision that throws my young life away. But I am willing to sacrifice these things for this child. I need to have a good argument as to why this child needs to stay in my life. For the past two days, I have fought and fought and cried and my feelings are torn up and distorted. I need to prove to my parents and family that this will work out for the better and I have many questions that need answers to. I just need someone to help me and give me the answers I am looking for.
Thank you.
So I had my son a little over 5 months ago. Before he was born, Lee and I were hardly together… He wanted nothing to do with us when I found out…He then changed his mind and proposed when our son was in the NICU. I thought everything was going perfectly. It was for the first 3-4 months. This month has just been awful.
First, he goes off the rails and is diagnosed with Bipolar… Fair enough, I can handle that. But he’s getting better. He started helping with our son again. But since I’ve been back at school, he’s changed…Always out. He’ll take our son out when I’m at school but as soon as I’m back it’s my job again. Even when I have a pile of homework. For the past three days, I’ve stayed out of school, simply because my boyfriend either isn’t around to watch him, or he is still sleeping and refusing to wake up.
I can’t even go to my mom for advice because now she’s in Ohio, I don’t have a clue what to do. All I can think now is if he doesn’t buck up, I’m leaving him and he’ll probably lose his son because I’ll be in Ohio with my mom.
Rant over.
Hello everyone,
I came across Stand Up Girl like many of you did, trying to find an answer to this problem that had crept up unexpectedly. I was 5 weeks pregnant when I found out, but now with the help of Stand Up Girl & the wonderful, strong women who have shared their remarkable stories, I am currently 6 months pregnant & expecting my sweet, little (BIG really!) baby boy on December 20th – that’s right, my little Christmas miracle. Sometimes when I feel little [reacted] kicking & swimming around it brings me to tears because I am so proud of him. I am so proud that my son is striving & it makes all the negative comments, un-supportive family members & gossip from other teenage girls seem smaller than this full stop. I don’t care what others think. My partner & I have been engaged since March 10th, when he proposed to me on this 18th birthday, & I believe it also is the night when my son was conceived, so I know he is a baby made from true love. I am so proud of myself for keeping my son & cannot wait to watch him grow in leaps & bounds. I have had a lot of negativity from my stepmother, which is hard. She believes that I am a sl*t for getting pregnant at such a young age & if it was up to her & my father, they would have dragged me by the hair down to the abortion clinic. But I told her that she couldn’t make that decision, & she has no kids of her own. So how would she know how to be a mother? I have a lot of disrespect & hatred for that woman. She has angered me. She says that whenever she sees my tummy, she doesn’t think of him as a miracle, a beautiful gift that I have been lucky enough to receive, but a huge dirty smudge in her perfect, champagne & caviar lifestyle. I feel sorry for this woman.
Anyway, what I would like to say, is thank you to everyone whose stories have put me on the track of being a mother. I cannot wait to meet my son & wish all the girls who are confused, sad, happy, or feeling forced into making a decision, that this is YOUR decision, this is your baby. The people who give you their opinions are not the ones who get up in the middle of the night to feed or change or comfort, their lives go on as normal, but the decision you make to keep your beautiful child will forever change yours. It will enlighten & change you forever.
Being a mother is the most beautiful gift of all, & no one can take that away from you. No one can make you feel as if you can’t cope, because you can.
We are women. It is in our blood to be mothers. It is in our blood to stand up, be strong, & sacrifice everything for the life of our child. We are strong, we are together, we stand up & we are counted.
I love my son, & I know that all the little lives growing inside the bellies of women are all gifts. They are all special little beings that you are nurturing every day. So whether you believe it is not your time & opt for abortion, or you keep that little life growing until 9 months later, you can hold him/her in your arms, it is up to you. It doesn’t change your status. You are not a bad person. You are not going to hell, You are not a good person.
You are You. & I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Lots of love,
A Stand Up Girl wanting to make a difference.
So you all know my son, who is 10 months old now! (I was 14 when I gave birth and now I’m nearly 16). As you guys know, I went to school up until the day before my induction (emergency induction). Yes, it was hard with the big belly and all but, you gotta do whatcha gotta do! Lol. Then about a month after Dallas was born, I was back in school after the Christmas Break! In between all that, I was home-schooled.
Yes, it’s hard being a teen mom and going to school with only having about 2 hours to do homework before your fiancée and little man get home. Those of you in school; high school or college, will know about the workload. I am currently in grade 11 with a mix of college and university courses. I am looking into being an RN (Registered Nurse).
Anyway, I am really busy spending time with my family and getting schoolwork done to do the best I can. I don’t have time for all my accounts anymore, so I am doing Teen Mom vlogs on my YouTube as well as videos of my little one (:
I hope you all can check out my YouTube and ask me questions and/or give me some suggestions!
I miss you all so much, you are great to talk to,
Love you lots!
I have just found out that I am pregnant. The father and I broke up a few days ago and he keeps telling me to abort this child. I don’t know how to deal with all of this. We were a very happy couple and have been together for some time. He just moved a few hours away to start college and we both knew it was going to be hard. He broke up with me the day I called him to tell him I was pregnant. I didn’t even get the chance to tell him before he told me it wasn’t going to work out anymore. I am now very alone and have no idea what to do. I’m only 20 and don’t want my kid to end up like me, living each day without a father there and trying to figure out what’s wrong with you that he can’t be there. Can someone give me some advice?