Not sure what is right..

Hey ladies,
I am 20 years old and currently 8 weeks pregnant. My current boyfriend and I have only been together for about 3 months and this has all put major stress on our relationship. He is 27 and probably the best boyfriend I have ever had. He really doesn’t want this baby though and I’m not sure what the right thing to do is. I know that he would stand by me no matter what I decide, I just also know that one choice would make him MUCH happier than the other. I guess I’m worried about losing him… or ruining our lives. I also know what a blessing a baby can be.

Any comments would be wonderful…

i dont know what to do

I am now 16 years old and I am engaged. We have only been dating for 4 months, going on 5.

We have been sexually active, but always use protection. I want to be open with my dad, but my boyfriend doesn’t think I should. Is that bad? Or is he right? Sometimes, I feel the need for a baby, but I am so young.

We talk about it a lot, but I just don’t know what to do.

First Posts are the Hardest…

Aren’t first-time Blog Posts the hardest things to write?

I’ve just started University in Wales. Not quite sure whether it’s the right thing for me, but £3290 is a lot of money to throw away!

And I’ve just joined StandUpGirl…today in fact! So I’m a bit unsure of what to say!

I’m not going to pretend I’m pregnant, or have been pregnant, or even know how it feels! But I have thought that I might have been, and those negative results have really got me down.

My boyfriend and I have been together for about 18 months and live together in our own flat. Recently I went on the pill, and what with missing a couple and taking them late, I’ve done my fair share of pregnancy tests!

I’ve always wanted a baby, but recently I’ve been thinking about it more and more. I’ve cried and cried over the fact that I can’t really have one…due to my studies. I’ve argued with my boyfriend over and over, and although we both want one, we’ve agreed to wait until we’re better off.

But I can’t stop thinking about it. And it probably seems really selfish because I’m too young. But I can’t help how I feel. Does anyone think it’s weird?

I obviously don’t know whether I can have kids, but I’ve had really irregular periods and I’m so scared that I won’t be able to have kids in the future. I don’t know what to do.

I can’t really talk to anyone about it, I think that other people will think I’m stupid.

Any thoughts?

Recent stuff, it’s a girl

I recently had a doctor’s appointment… Found out my baby’s a girl. 🙂

Other than THAAAT, life’s been difficult, however. I’m beginning to feel a bit more calm and at ease with the idea that I’m growing… or the baby is, lol. Either way, my waistline’s changing drastically. I’m getting bored, I want a Slurpee with fries and nacho cheese.


about my baby

Hey, I got pregnant when I was 14, almost 15.

Me and my boyfriend had been together for months, and he seemed like the real thing. We weren’t planning it, we weren’t expecting it to happen, yet it still did. I am now 16 with a 1-year-old little boy, who has no daddy. His father and I split when he was about 2 months old, and we haven’t really talked since. His dad tells my mom that he is going to come see my baby, yet he never shows. I just wish that he would be in my son’s life… Why won’t he be??
My baby is so sweet, he’s always happy, and he is so smart. He turned 1 on December 9th, yet his father hasn’t seen him since then. My baby is bigger than most, he is in the 90th percentile right now, and he is just at my thigh in height, I am 5’6. Everything I do, I do for him. I go to school still so he can have a future that is amazing. Every time I get money, it goes to him, and all of my free time is with him unless he is in bed or my parents have him. Yet, his father still isn’t around. He is deep into drugs and alcohol, he moved away, and he sells drugs. I just don’t understand why.

How could a father not love a beautiful baby boy like my son?!

Still hurting…

Well in little over a week, it will be 2 years since my abortion, and yet it still feels like it was last week.

I still have my sonogram from when I went into the clinic. My boyfriend doesn’t know I have it…but I needed something to remind me that my baby was real. I am trying my absolute hardest to come to terms with my decision, but I can’t. My boyfriend wants me to talk to someone in his church about it, but I can’t, especially someone from a church. I don’t want to be judged… This last Sunday, I went to church with him and they were starting off with their pregnancy resource center charity fundraiser event (of course). But that day, I heard word-for-word what I have been terrified about hearing going to church. I couldn’t help it, I started crying. It hurt so badly listening to that. I didn’t want my boyfriend to see, but he did. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to hear in my life. I know what I did was horrible, but I’ve never had to hear someone say exactly how horrible what I did was…

Why can’t I just get over my abortion!!? I want it behind me! I don’t want to cry every time abortion is mentioned! I don’t want to be jealous every time I hear someone is pregnant!

I just want my baby girl back… Is that so bad? My boyfriend said if I got pregnant again before we were married, he would marry me before the baby was born, but then how would I ever know if he married me because he wanted to, or just because he got me pregnant again? Last night, he told me that he doesn’t feel comfortable having sex with me because he’s scared that I will get pregnant again…I was already feeling horrible about everything that’s happened this week and now my boyfriend won’t even touch me?! Really?!?!

I want things to be like it never happened. But I always feel like I am carrying this guilt alone. He never shows any sort of emotion when it comes to this subject. Why can he get over it so quickly when  I can’t?  Someone, please help me! What did you do to get over your abortion? 🙁 🙁