So, my boyfriend texted his friend at work (who is a mom, she is older. He calls her his second mom.) She is really nice.
Anyways, he asked her if the Teen Health Center was open on weekends… And I guess it’s not :/ So now I am hoping his work shift isn’t too bad next week so maybe he’s able to take me Monday or something. He can’t take me today or tomorrow, which I understand. He has to work 2 jobs this week. One is 6 am-2 pm and then his second one is 3:30 pm – 4+ hours. So he can’t really get me in any time this week. Or sadly, not even on the weekend, because the place isn’t open. So, I am hoping for next week.
I am still going to spend Sunday with him though, because I told him I wanted to talk and that. Because I guess here, you can’t get an abortion after 3 months. Well, I am 6 months. We were thinking about abortion at first. But I don’t even think I’d be able to do it, and it’s not even a choice now anyway. So I am hoping Sunday I can talk things over with him, and bring up the topic… Like if we were to keep the baby. Because I really would enjoy keeping the baby.
I need to tell my mom soon, and I am hoping that talking to him on Sunday, and making up our decision on what to do… That will help me talk to my mom. Then, later that week I will be able to go to the Health Center to get more info. Then, possibly with my mom knowing, I’ll be able to go for a doctor’s check-up and make sure everything with me and the baby is alright. I really want him with me throughout all this… I just know it is going to be hard with his new job. His new job does give him more money per hour than his last, which is good. And I am proud of him. He is actually in a job with my stepdad now, for the Summer. Then, when school starts back up, he’ll be moving into work with my mom.
I know my mom and people will help with everything with the baby. After the fact they get over what I have told them when I do.
So possibly Sunday is the day I will be telling everyone.. First, I need to talk to my boyfriend, and make sure this is what WE want, and try to convince him that keeping the baby is for the better. I want the baby to be around its own parents and have a loving father… Which I know he can do. He is amazing with kids, and with his nephew, who he sees a lot (:
I am hoping that the talk with him on Sunday will go well, and then possibly breaking it to my mom… Either Sunday or that week… Depending on his schedule for work.
I just wanted to update you that sadly Sunday, I can’t get into the Teen Center, but hoping shortly after I will be able to. I think it might be easier once I tell my mom.
I mean she must know something’s up… I haven’t had my period for 6 months, and there is a box of tampon n the bathroom that are still unopened and have remained like that for 6 months… And my mother is very smart actually. I am hoping when I have to tell her, she won’t explode on me. I am ready for whatever she does say, I just hope it’s better than the worst.
I’ll update you on how Sunday does go, and what we do decide to do, and what happens and such.
Last November, at about 7 weeks, I lost my baby. It hurt so much, and not just physically, but I just passed it off as a really bad period, although I knew exactly what it was. So of course everyone just put my bad moods and crying down to the time of month, and no one knew. I never told anyone either. It just felt too real if I did. I mean, I didn’t plan to get pregnant, but I did, and I was terrified, but happy when I found out – had no idea what I was going to do at all, but I never got the choice. And when it was ripped from me, I’d already accepted the fact that I was going to be a mum.
I never told the dad either. We’d been together for 2 months ( a record for him ), and he wasn’t exactly the baby kind either. I mean, don’t get me wrong but he could be sweet and sincere and everything, but he’d been around too much and everyone knew he had commitment issues. He was the kind of guy who “loved” every girl after 30 seconds. Plus the fact that he’s 15, the same age as me, but constantly very immature. Actually, I’m not sure at all, it could’ve gone both ways with him. He had a crappy job, but it was money after all and if he cared about something, he’d fight for it. Guess it just depended on whether he cared. But anyway, after everything turned, I didn’t think there was a point in telling him, just in case he was disappointed. But his stupid commitment issues got in between us two, and we’re not together now anyway.
So yeah, 9 months on, and I’m getting there, it’s getting better. & If anybody feels they need to talk or needs support, I’m always here for anyone, Just add me!<3
Well, as you may know from my profile I am pregnant. I did the due date calculator on the site, and it said I was due around the 17th of October. If this is somewhat correct, I’m about 7 months already 0.o !!
I am not really showing at all, you can’t even tell I am pregnant. The only person who knows is my boyfriend and I, I really do not know how to tell my mom. I am scared she won’t understand how I try to explain it because sometimes I am not the best talker. My boyfriend and I are going to go to the Teen Health Center on Sunday to talk to someone. My boyfriend is a bit iffy on what to do. I mean, there isn’t much we can do now that I am so far along. But I am just hoping to talk to someone and get some advice. I haven’t gone to the doctor either, so I am hoping the baby is healthy and everything is going to be alright… After I do break it to my mom, I am going to go for the checkups, and such as needed.
I have been with my boyfriend for almost 9 months. It will be exactly 9 months on the 10th of August (this month)… I started dating him on November 10th. I am always scared he is going to leave me because of everything that is happening… But he always ensures me that he will always be there for me and that he isn’t. I am positive we can keep this relationship going… I especially want him to be there for his child. I would love for my child to grow up with his dad, and have a dad.. Because I know how hard it is to not have a relationship with your dad.
I am under so much stress with my mom not knowing, and what will happen when she does. I am hoping she will learn to understand. And that I do know that I made a mistake, but I will take action and learn from it. I will go on birth control after. I just really hope she can trust us to not let this happen again. I hope she’s happy for this at the same time though, because I would hate to have the majority of people be like, Oh my gosh.. you’re pregnant, blablabla.
Also, the baby kicks a lot! Sometimes so much I wonder if there are two in there 0.o .. Gosh. So much stuff to think about.
I will post another blog after Sunday to update how it went at the Health Center.
So I have a question for all of you teen moms… How did you cope with schooling?
I just finished Grade Eleven, and my little guy is due three days after school starts. I want to graduate this year and have a large course load that requires me to attend school for both semesters. I’m an honors with distinctions student, and my teachers for this upcoming year had agreed to help me by looking for textbooks (as I am taking English at home) and by sending my biology work home with me as well, to get done over the summer in advance to complete what I will be missing when my son comes. But so far, none of my teachers have done what they said they would.
How did you guys get through school? Did you take hard classes and still pass? I’m so nervous about my future and being able to do what I need to do to fulfill my dreams. Any suggestions on how to cope with a newborn and school?
Alright, so I know that people make mistakes. But are they not supposed to learn from them?
I always thought I did good by not repeating the same mistake twice. I always learned. I have made this mistake once before but I didn’t end up dealing with it. I had unprotected sex once before and I did it because I believed the guy loved me and we would be together forever. Let me tell you, that was a mistake. I recently did the same thing again. Because once again, I thought I would be with the guy forever. Boy, was I wrong. I have never been so upset with myself as to the day he left me. So, he left and we were done. Then a couple weeks ago, my period came. 3 days late and it was very light and only stayed for two days. I have never had a delayed period and it’s always normal-never light, and it always lasts 5-6 days. I started birth control the day after I had unprotected sex…and am now wondering if I’m pregnant. I know it’s not the birth control because I was on it once before and nothing happened. I’ve been crampy and nauseous for the past two weeks. I’m getting even more nervous since my period mishap.
I don’t know what to do…And if I am how do I tell the dad? What about my family?? :'(
So, being a teenager is hard. I think everyone on here is experiencing or has experienced the fake friends, the bullying, and the other unfortunate things that any teenage girl has to deal with throughout high school at one point or another.
I, however, am really lucky. Not that I haven’t been teased, or put on the spot, but the nicer half of my graduating class (yes, all 25 of them) threw me a surprise baby shower. It was incredible to see so many people, some close friends, some I hadn’t talked to in months, all come together to support my boyfriend and me, and to celebrate my pregnancy and our little boy.
The older generation of my town, on the other hand, aren’t so nice. The dirty looks, like I’m a terrible person; criticizing my every move as if they could do a better job. I am a “straight-A” student, always thriving in school and attending classes. Why am I suddenly a bad person for making one slip-up? Yeah, it’s going to be life-changing. But when they ask, “Are you dropping out of school?” or “How will you provide for it?”, you can’t help but feel underestimated and unappreciated. Another one of my favorites is “When are you getting married?”. The pressure to meet everyone else’s standard is ridiculous.
I am almost eight months pregnant and happy to say that my baby boy is thriving in my womb. He has been growing steadily and already has every ounce of love that I am capable of giving him. I just want to say, that I’m so proud to be able to call myself a “mom” or sorts. And that I’m proud of everyone of you that decide to keep your babies as well. Motherhood isn’t a time to grieve. It’s a time to learn and experience the miracle of life that only you can provide to that baby.
Best of luck to all of you other teenage mom’s 🙂