Waiting Can be Cool
Hey Lisa. I am 16 years old and I need some answers. I am thinking more and more every day I am pregnant. Can you help? Dearest Emily – I would love to help you. Really the only way I can truly help you is to maybe refer you to a center where you can […]

Hey Lisa. I am 16 years old and I need some answers. I am thinking more and more every day I am pregnant. Can you help?

Dearest Emily – I would love to help you. Really the only way I can truly help you is to maybe refer you to a center where you can have a free and confidential pregnancy test taken.

Would you like that information?

I will give you a link to a site where you can find one near you. Just to let you know also that I’m not a doctor, so I can’t really give you any medical advice, and truly the only way that you will know for sure if you are or are not pregnant is to get a test taken.


Or you can call (800) 395-HELP (4357)

Let me know what you find. OK?

Thank you for your e-mail
Luv Lisa

Hey Lisa, I took a test and it was negative but I really was looking forward to having a baby. Do you think I should still consider getting pregnant?

Brittany – Hello. I’m so glad you asked me. You know what I really think is the best idea? Enjoy being 16 and then enjoy being 17 and do the
things that you can do to prepare to be a mommy after becoming a wife.

You know why? Because a baby truly is not only a big responsibility and takes every minute of your time, but a baby is an expensive undertaking.

Let’s do this … Go to the supermarket … or to a Babys ‘R’ Us store and pretend like you are shopping. Grab a large package of diapers because you will be changing a diaper probably about 4 times a day.

So… 4 diapers a day (roughly), 7 days a week. That is 28 diapers.

So, put enough in your basket to last you 2 weeks. Then you need baby formula. That goes really fast. Then bottles, baby clothing (which doesn’t last long because babies grow fast!), bottle nipples, all the items for diaper changing .. powder, baby wipes and so forth.

Really – the reason why I suggest this? It is because we all want a little baby so badly. A baby to love, a baby will be so adorable and I would love to hold my very own baby and care for him/her. Brittany, in due time you will, but you really want to have a husband that supports you. A husband that says when you are so tired one night when the baby is crying “Honey, I’ll get up and feed or change the baby, you sleep.”

Another reason is … if you want to share and show love for a baby, you should have a mommy and a daddy there and ready to love and to care for him/her. You would want to experience pregnancy WITH the man that loves you and is truly excited to have the baby with you.

If you have a baby now, you will have to bypass all the wonderful things of 16, 17 and 18 year old stuff. Prom night, graduation and hangin’ out with your friends, a wedding day as you look forward to starting a family with your husband rather than you have a ready-made family.

Brittany – I would say wait to have a baby. Babies are adorable, but it truly is best when you have a husband standing by your side.

Something I might suggest … get a tiny puppy and begin with caring for a puppy, give the puppy your time and you can pay for all the puppies food and feed it and care for it. That’s still a big responsibility – don’t you think?

Let me know what you think Brittany. Thank you so much for your e-mail.

Luv Lisa

Hey, thank you for helping me. I think I will wait. You are right. I don’t think I’m ready for all the responsibility, but one day, I will be ready so once again thank you so much for your help!!

your friend, Brittany

PS. Write me back some time..:)

Brittany – I am so very proud of you! Maybe choosing purity to marriage might be your next step? That’s what my husband and I did. We loved each other so much too … but we waited until we were married before we had sex. I wasn’t a virgin when I met my husband unfortunately, but I got so tired of dealing with the fears of pregnancy before marriage that I made a vow before God that I would save my body until marriage. I learned, Brittany, that True Love Waits! The man that I married proved to me how much he really loved me and he waited for marriage before we got intimate.

If you’re interested in that too – I’d love to share a really cool site with you. They have this jewelry that says “True Love Waits” and you can wear it … kind of like a confirmation of your vow. Something just kinda different and fun. Maybe your friends will catch on to it too.

I’m proud of you Brittany. Take care of yourself. Let me know if you’re interested in taking that vow and that jewelry!

Luv Lisa

Yes, I would be very interested in taking that vow. That would be awesome..:)

Woo hoo! How cool is that Brittany!

Here’s the link. I love these … let me know if you find something!


Luv Lisa

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