I wanted to let you know – it will get better. I had a miscarriage over a year ago, 3-3-07. I was eleven weeks pregnant. For me, it was the hardest time in my life – I am only 17 (15 at the time.) I had just learned to accept the fact I was pregnant and I was dealing with all the changes I would have to make then I had my miscarriage. For a long time I wished I still had my baby and I would do anything to have it back. It is still hard for me to think about but I have come to accept it. God took my baby away for a reason.. maybe I wasn’t ready or maybe it was a second chance for me. This is one thing I would NEVER EVER wish on anyone else but I feel for you. I know the pain you are feeling and everything. It isn’t your fault at all – I thought if only I would’ve done this.. or if only I would’ve done that but really it wasn’t in your control. If you want to talk or anything, I am here.
– Taylor