I have tried castor oil, rasperry leaf tea, evening primrose oil tablets, birth sprays. The castor oil is absolutely disgusting and tasted like i was drinking vaseline (it started labour 2 days before my due date with my first, got to 3 cms dilated and then it stopped), i drank the tea for 4 weeks before my due date under the advice of my midwife and used the birth spray for the 2 weeks leading up to my due date with my second, and i used evening primrose oil tablets with both. My experiences lead me to believe that the castor oil will only work if your baby is ready and it will make you sit on the toilet for hours, the tea tastes pretty awful and doesnt really do anything, neither does the birth spray (and it pretty costly). The only thing I thought was beneficial was the evening primrose, but they are not for the purpose of inducing labour, but more to quicken it up once it gets going. My second daughter was born in 45 mins (from the first contraction until she was out, contractions started at 2 mins apart and within 15 mins i was at the hospital and 4 – 5 cms). The best thing I have heard of is good old fashioned sex. The prostaglandins is men’s sperm helps to get labour going, but once again (as with everything) it only works if your body and baby are ready. Hope this helps.