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ParticipantI was 16 when I told my mom I was pregnant. My parents were super religious and I thought they where going to throw the book at me. All my mom said was " oh OK, well I love you and we’ll all be fine" Honestly; who saw that answer coming?
ParticipantIt’s your baby and it’s depending on YOU for it’s life. Its never wrong to want to keep a life that you created and is growing inside you. God gave you that baby as a present. You never know, that baby might have the answer to world hunger….you and that baby are one, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
ParticipantI was in the same situation and I took my tummy and disappeared. That’s not the type of person you need in your life and is most certainly not the type of father your baby needs in theirs. There’s lots of help out there you just have to find it. Jesus will send your baby the father it needs one day when the time is right just as he sent my daughter her very own Daddy. Not the biological one, but he’s the one who matters and we love him.
Be strong stand tall and let the door hit him in the rear on his way out!!
ParticipantDue dates can be wrong…they messed mine up…my daughter was 4 weeks late because of it and she was very dehydrated…their lucky she didnt die. I think your just going to have to fess up or hope theres a very stong resemblance to one of them
ParticipantYour body is a temple…always remeber that everyone you ever have sex with leaves a footprint across your soul. When you find the man you want to be with, who makes it more then just sex, who makes it something special, and cherishes you do you want to remember a footprint or the telegraph road. I was in a relationship for 2yrs and had a baby, he left and I have my baby. At night I pray that when she was made she was made with love, not with just sex. How do you want your baby to be created and is this the man you want to father your child? If not…then why spend time with the wrong person when your destiny could be in front of you.