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  • in reply to: Pls help. I dont know what to do if i get pregnant #28644

    Hi, sorry for not being able to update. I did another hpt last tuesday 26 june ( that would put me on 37 cd, my period is usually 35-40 days) and its a negative again. the following day i went to see an ob gyn and had another pt there and another negative. The dr told me to wait until july 9 for my period to come, and if it doesn’t, thats the time to do hpt. If result is still -, im advised to have ultrasound to know whats going on. Im really looking forward to my AF, and im going crazy waiting! πŸ™ . Til now AF is not showing up so i like to do hpt (for the nth time) despite dr’s advice to wait til july 9. Im feeling really hopeless as time flies by and yet no AF. πŸ™ . As for the symptoms, what i experience now is i think slightly full bbs and the strange movement in abdomen and feeling hot. (hope this is all in my mind only!) Deep in my heart, ive really prayed hard to Jesus to forgive my sins and asked for another chance. I feel miserable about my situation now. πŸ™ i pray God would show mercy on me and grant my prayer though i dont deserve it. πŸ™ anyways ill keep you posted how things go on for me. Thanks for the advice!

    in reply to: Pls help. I dont know what to do if i get pregnant #28636

    Hi Meg. Thanks so much for the advice. I’ve done 2 tests with my first urine in the morning, yesterday and today- both negative. I will try again tomorrow and if same result comes out, im going on a visit to a clinic and have blood test done. I must admit that its been quite stressful these past 2 weeks not being sure of being pregant or not. I dont know if this is a symptom, but ive been feeling somethings moving inside my belly like something is growing very quickly aleady! (or i must be paranoid). Im hoping that this is a PMS symptom (but i dont remember feeling this before m/c comes) and my period will show up any minute for me to have some ease of mind. But anyways, thanks again for your inputs. Much appreciated!

    in reply to: I don’t know what to do, I love my boyfriend :(( #28629

    Hey there. As long as Jesus is there you can always surpass any trials you are facing right now. Let us know how u go with your HPT! πŸ™‚

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