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  • in reply to: I became strong. #13762

    You are strong. As I was reading your post I thought, "what if she had not listened to her heart? What if she went through with the abortion to make her boyfriend happy?" I’m sure you would have regretted it for the rest of your life. You made the right decision. You should be proud of yourself. Way to go! Way to Stand Up.

    in reply to: destinysplea #13645

    Girl, go to a pregnancy resource center. They can help you financially. You are not alone in this. Laws very from state to state, but most states have financial help available to women like yourself. Here is a link to a website that can help you find financial assistance. They might not be equipped to help you when you go in, but they should be able to refer you to where you can get help in your community.

    http://www.optionline.org/advantage.asp or you can call 1-800-395-HELP.

    At the website all you have to do is type in your zip code and a list of centers will appear. Just call the center and tell them that you need financial assistance. They will be happy to help you.

    in reply to: should i or not????? #13644

    My friend, I talk to a lot of women who have had abortions and nearly all of them, after their abortion, want to have another child right away. This is just one of the symptoms of post abortion syndrome. It is very possible that you are suffering from the effects of your abortion. You are not alone though, and what you are going through is not uncommon.

    It sounds to me that you and your boyfriend are in disagreement about when you want to have a child. Make sure you discuss this issue of children thoroughly with him before you get married. Prior to saying your vows, make sure you are on the same page as him in areas such as finance, house chores, and children. You see, if you enter into marriage and you know there are key issues that you disagree upon, that could be a recipe for disaster.

    Additionally, a relationship where one goes behind the others back is never stable. In a marriage, both parties have to respect the others views and opinions. Remember, when you are married, two become one. It is no longer you making decisions, but it is the two of you together. To do something behind his back, is to only hurt yourself.

    The key to a healthy marriage is communication. Please talk to your boyfriend and tell him that you don’t want to wait that long to have another child. Be open with your feelings, and be respectful of his. I think this is something the two of you should talk out. Have you considered compromising with your boyfriend? Maybe after you get married, wait two years instead of four to have a child. Work on finding an agreement in which you both give a little.

    It sounds to me that you would like to talk with someone about this. Let me refer you to your local pregnancy resource center. They have great volunteer counselors there who would love to help you sort through all this. They also offer post abortion support programs. These are support groups for people who have been effected by abortion. The group is lead by someone who has had an abortion and has gotten emotional and spiritual healing. And best of all everything that the center offers is free and confidential. Let me show you how to look it up. Go to: http://www.optionline.org/advantage.asp or you can call 1-800-395-HELP. At the website all you have to do is type in your zip code and a list of centers will appear. Just call the center and tell them about your situation.. They will be happy to help you.

    Let us know what you decide. We care about you!

    in reply to: Dated a Rapist #13632

    You need to report this to the police and get a restraining order. He has already messed up your life, do not continue to let him. I know that it is hard to take action against someone that you love, but it is for the good of both of you. What if he continues to do this to you? What if he does this to someone else. I’m sure you don’t want anyone to have to go through the pain he has caused you.

    I do not think you are stupid for letting him come back, but you are not giving yourself what you are worth. You are worth way more than the way he is treating you. You are a princess and that is how you should expect to be treated. Princesses do not have bruises and scratches all over their bodies. You are special and your body is too. Is this the Prince Charming you have always dreamed about? Girl, your Prince Charming is out there, and it is definitely not this guy. Start giving yourself what you deserve.

    in reply to: 10 wks pregnant and I havent made my decision yet #13499

    My name is April and I help moderate the forums on Stand Up Girl. I was moved by what you wrote.

    There have been cases in which women took the first set of pills but changed their mind and decided not to carry through with the second trip to the doctor (the miacarriage as you referred to it). They went on to deliever perfect, healthy babies – no birth defects. I am no doctor, but you may still have hope.

    When you see the doctor tomorrow, tell him or her that you do not want to continue with this treatment. Instead ask for an ultrasound. That way they will be able to tell whether or not your baby’s heart is still beating. I feel very certain that the doctor will try to pursuade you to continue with treatment, but make sure you get that ultrasound before you do anything else. Don’t loose hope. There may sill be time.

    We are praying for you right now.


    in reply to: ??? #13464

    You can get a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) from oral sex. Most strains of STDs like warm, moist environments, and can live in one’s throat. Although, you may not fear pregnancy, STDs are a very real threat. One in four Americans have one. Some STDs, once contracted, will never go away.

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