proud mama

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  • in reply to: read me please #17175
    proud mama

    Bennny, thank u sooo much for ur insight u said a lot of truthful things. i had my sonogram yesterday to set up the appt for the
    abortion even though im still not sure i wil go through with it. i found out that im 6 weeks along and the due date will be on
    christmas day. i broke down so much apart of me believes i wont go through with it but then i have so many fears in the back of
    my mind. i do hate myself for being foolish and not using protection knowing i just had my daughter then i wouldnt have to be makin
    a decision that will affect me either way. thank u again though i need to start trusting in God more than i do and know where he guides he will provide. bless u always

    in reply to: I wouldn’t have an abortion so he’s gone #17140
    proud mama

    im sorry that ur experiencing this at such a vulnerable time in ur life. im 23 with two kids. and with my first i kinda went through the same thing. i got pregrant and he wanted me to get an ambortion i sain no and he left. he was not there through my pregrancy and only went shopping for clothes when i was 5 months along. he was not there for the birth of his first child but i had to remain strong even though i was deeply hurting inside. i cried alot i hated him and was mad. i had support from my mom and sister which kinda helped but u want the other half there. we worked out our problems and have 2 kids together and live together but it wasnt like that for the first year of my sons life. so remain hopefull he will turn around and remember this ia a blessing thats in u. give this unborn the best u can from the sta…rt. u will always have each other. …. god bless

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