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Participanthi my boyfriend worked all the time when i was pregnant and after our son was born and we fighted all the time cause he was never there for me or our son after he was born i always thouught that he dident care cause he cared more about his job than me and the baby but the only reason they work so much is because there either shocked that their becoming a faher they only think of themselves they dont think how we feel or how we are cause there not the ones that are pregant or looking after a baby all day but you should sit your boyfriend down and tell him how your feeling and get him to help you out a bit more and to think of your needs and not his hope everything works out for youxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Participanthi my name is annemarie and i am new to this site i read your story and i found out i was pregnant with my first child when i was 21 when i told my boyfriend i was pregnant he just looked at me with shock on his face he dident even think about it he just turned around and told me to go to the doctors the next day and get an abortion i was completely shocked at him and my friends and family were against him saying that i cant do that so i decided to keep my baby wether he wanted to be involved or not so its a year later now and im happy with my decission and i love my baby son and as soon as my son was born my boyfriend came around to the idea of being a father and he loves his son more than anything now you should do wat your heart is telling you to do and dont listen to what other people tell you you know differently and if you have an abortion you will regret it for the rest of your life a child has the right to come into this world no matter what so go with your heart your boyfrind and his mum will come around to the idea of a new baby as soon as they see he or she they will forget what they ever said to you and they should apologise to you listen to your heart your friends and your family you might be young but you will be able to take care of the baby and be happy hope everything goes ok for you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx