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  • in reply to: tongue tie #22575

    my son is tounge tied it runs on both sides of our family, currently im waiting for his appontment to have it cut.
    we found it when he was 2 months old and was the reason why i couldnt BF babies use diffent actions with their tounges to bf and bottle feed, use tounge to bf use cheeks to bottle feed.
    I insisted his get cut because its quite bad and their are may reasons to have it done,
    1)it CAN affect thier speech
    2)because they cant lift their tounges over thier teeth it causes dental issues
    3)he has trouble moving food around in his mouth and we have to watch his closely as he chokes easy

    i wasnt impressed with the attidue of our G.P when i first noticed it so insisted on a 2nd opinion by a ped specialist surgon i just wish it was done when he was 2 months old as its a very simple procedure then however i had to wait 6 months for the surgon and now he has to be knocked out for it

    in reply to: Diapers, formula, etc.? #22574

    again im in Australia, I used Huggies for my son i tryed the cheaper brands but hes a big pee’er and it was costing me twice as much to use them and providing me with big messes to clean up,
    I havent found a problem with smells so pass on that, i couldnt breast feed and was using SMA formula with him as it was a brand i know and trust but hes reciently been DX with lactose intorrance so use S26LF now

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