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  • in reply to: Relief Groups #19923

    Is there a specific reason you don’t want to do the Rachel’s Vineyard? I know that it is an amazing experience…I have quite a few friends who have attended, believe it or not. From what I am getting from your post, you were forced to abort your baby?? From what I have learned, and have a pretty good amount of experience with this, this is very normal for ladies who have aborted their babies. This is what the lie of abortion does, it does not build us up as females it is destructive. You are in my prayers sweetie, and I hope you post back and we can talk some more. I want you to know and I think you do, there is help and healing…I would seriously consider RV, just wondering the reason you haven’t?

    With much care,

    in reply to: I’m so freaking mad!!! I hate boys!!!! #19846

    This is a good opportunity for you to see the character of your boyfriend. First, do you think your request is unreasonable? If not, explain yourself to him and your desires and how it affects you when he does the particular thing that you don’t like. If he continues to do this, then you must realize that he does not care. If you tell him something hurts or bothers you(and the request is not unreasonable) and he doesn’t change this behavior, he is inconsiderate of your feelings. You will not change him…trust me. Also, if he says one thing and does another,(house and other things you mentioned) well actions speak louder than words. Remember, we teach people how to treat us. If you allow yourself to stay in a relationship where you are not considered, and especially if he is blowing smoke with empty promises and you stay for more, well you are teaching him that regardless of expressing your feelings whatever you say to him and whatever he does, you will stick around for it. And did you mention a baby…I am sure you are much more of an intelligent lady then to consider trying to get pregnant by him right now?? If he is not around much and not putting you first a baby will not change him!
    I hope this helps. I have been there a while back in my life and just hope you realize your worth. I know it is hard, but don’t waste your valuable time on someone who doesn’t care and show his feelings for you.


    in reply to: A question i’ve wanted to ask someone for awhile. #19739

    I can’t say if it was or was not a miscarriage in this case. That being said, most of us, myself until recently, are not aware that the BC pill can actually cause an abortion. There are 3 ways the pill works…the first two prevent conception, but they don’t always work then the third will happen. The third will allow a baby to be conceived and then cause the uterus to become hostile to the baby and basically kick her out. These crazy birth controls sometimes are just not worth it…they not only can do that they can harm us bone loss, blood clots, stroke risks, heart problems…too scary for me. My husband and I use NFP (Natural Family Planning)

    in reply to: 2 weeks old! #19690

    absolutely precious…just precious..!!!!

    in reply to: Why shouldnt I love him #19689

    Isn’t it just like God to, out of something as tragic and brutal as rape, bring something so innocent and pure and full of love just for you. I know that many women who abort after rape actually compound their pain. Cause if you think about it, now, out of this horrible and violent act, another horrible and violent act is being commited.

    You are amazingly insightful! When you look at a baby in ultra sound or a picture of fetal development, you can’t tell if how the baby was conceived, whether it was on a honeymoon marital bed, the back seat of a car, in the park, or from a horrible thing like abuse or rape…what is obvious is that it is a person…a unique person!!

    We can’t discriminate against people cause of their origins…you know that is a very slippery slope that is what Hitler, the KKK, and nazis and the like do:ohmy: ….

    Take care all!!! I will say a special prayer intention for you.

    I also agree that the child does not need to know about the rape.

    in reply to: choosing adoption – duedate5/11/08 #19688

    You are a very selfless and brave young lady. I want you to know that the way you are putting your feelings after your little one’s is what a true parent (mommy) does. Many Many Many years from now when you come face to face with God, you will be able to look at Him and say Lord, I was terrified but I gave life to the child you gave me. Dear girl, you are a life giver and that is something that you should take comfort in. Also, please know, that although you feel alone, you are not. I know that there are many here that lift you up in prayer and also, more importantly, there is someone else with you…you always have God to lean on. Wow! I will pray for you and all the brave ones out there who choose life and I will pray for the ones who have not, that they turn back to God and seek comfort for their choice. There is healing. Take care…

    Just a neat little fact…Faith Hill was adopted and so was DMC from Run DMC (the one who wears glasses!!!) 🙂

    in reply to: WHAT HAPPENS TO ABORTED BABIES? #19639

    Hi all,
    I am new to this site. Glad I found it. Spiritually, babies are innocent, so I believe it is safe to say that the aborted babies go to heaven. Now, physically, there are two things that happen. The first was said, they usually go in the dumpster or I have also heard down a special garbage disposal in the clinic. Secondly, something that just recently came to my attention. They are used in some vaccines and other medical experimentation. I am not sure if we are allowed to give links so I won’t. But I was stunned when I found out. I researched the ingredients on one of the most popular vaccines MMR and researched the ingredients and cells from an aborted boy was listed under something called MRC-5:ohmy: …is that crazy or what? I brought it to my pediatricians attention.
    Strongminded and wa2young, it is very normal for you to be thinking about your babies. Have you ever heard of Rachel’s Vineyard??


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