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ParticipantMy morning sickness started IMMEDIATLEY & lasted ALLLLLLLL day for about 2 months. I had no other symptoms of being pregnant at all. I took a test just to be sure & yuhhp, i was pregnant. So i guess she should wait a week maybe to take a test since her period isnt due til then. I feel for her tho, morning sickness SUCKS..just tell her to be make it through wether shes pregnant or not.
ParticipantI heard my babys for the first time yesterday also!!! OMG isnt it GREAT?!!?!? i have been in the BEST mood ever since!! its so amazing how one little sound can change you so much!!
Participanti think thats a really good idea. if you send her a letter she also has some time to let it sink in..where as if you tell her over the phone..she may not know exactly the right thing to say to you.
ParticipantIts perfectly safe to have sex while youre pregnant unless your doc has told you otherwise! I have an awkward feeling tho when i have sex with my boyfriend because when i had my vaginal ultrasound (where they stuck an ultrasound stick thing in my vagina to see the baby) my baby turned & looked right at it!! haha, i know he/she couldnt see what it was but it was like it knew it was there. So i have that feeling that my baby knows theres something near it when im having sex. lol..but its up to you! 😉
ParticipantYou know, you call it YOUR story for a reason. Its not your mothers to tell, nor your mothers to hide. If you feel that you will feel better after you tell your nan, then tell her. Be strong.
ParticipantIm due November 14th!!!! im so excited!!