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ParticipantI’m pretty sure the "pregnant glow" is a second trimester thing. Its got to do with the hormones, and extra blood flow during pregnancy, that stimulates the glands, making your skin fuller and "glowing".
ParticipantI agree…
If your baby daddy is a stand up guy, you should get him on the site, who knows, he may encourage another guy to be a stand up dad… (and everyone knoews the world needs more of them)
Participantericklirios is exactly right, dont be afraid of your baby.
One day you will look back on the abortion as the worst decision of your life, and will regret it with everything you have, and know what? It will be too late.
I know it can be scary, and you may not feel up to it, but give your child life, you owe them that much, what happends once they are born you can decide, perhaps give them to someone, or maybe raise them yourself, but killing them shouldnt ever be an option.
As many young mums here will tell you, its hard, but they wouldnt have it any other way.
"This is not the time" isnt really a good excuse for murdering your own child… If you cant handle a baby, give them to one of the thousands of couples wanting a baby. Your boyfriend left because of it, but would you really want him back knowing he ran when you needed him most?
Seriously consider what your doing, this isnt just your life anymore, its your childs too, your own flesh and blood. You made that baby, you were mature enough to decide to have sex, means your mature enough to make the right thing. Abortion is murder, and that baby you are carrying, its not a bunch of cells, its a baby, a really baby, it can suck its thumb, and has all its organs. its a little boy or a little girl.
If you have this baby and put it up for adoption, yes it may hurt, but nothing compared to the knowledge that you murdered that perfect little baby.
Make the right choice for your child, dont just think about yourself. Abortion does nothing but hurt you, its not an easy fix, its a lifetime of regret.
ParticipantWhy are you with two guys?
Pick one and stick to it, if you dont like them, dump them and go with the other one. If you keep trying to have both you will end up alone. not to mention that if you are pregnant that will have to make a choice…
DNA tests whilst you are still pregnant can be risky as you need to have certin tests done that can sometimes make you misscarry…
If you find out when you consieved will you know who the father is?
I wish you luck, it sounds like you may need it…
And if your not pregnant, find a reliable method of birth control, pick one guy, and wait a while, if all is good, then maybe discuss a baby… But why raise a baby on your own when you can wait a little while and bring them into a world with a mummy and daddy who love eachother and are committed? (maybe not marrige, but a longterm commitment). I mean, if your going to try for a baby, dont you want them to have the best possible home and parents?
ParticipantThere are other things that can give a positive test, such as an overian cist or some other quite serious medical conditions…
Overian cists can also cause nautiousness, and stuff with your periods, as well as give positive home tests, but negative blood tests… they arnt that harmfull (i know, mum had one not that long ago), but can become dangerous if left untreated.
Also some medications can effect home pregnancy tests, so if your on any perscription medication, you may want to check the net to see if it interfeers…
theres also a chance that your doctor stuffed up or got your sample mixed up (they mixed up my sample last time i was in the emergency room, i had appendicitus, and they told me to go home cos the tests didnt show anything, consequently we told them to run the tests again, and i had my appendix out the next day, but that irrelivant :p) and they may have given you someone elses results by accident or something…
The general gist of this long ramble is you should go back to your doctor, get another set of tests done, and if they still come back negative get them to check for other conditions, or issues with medications.
Goodluck 🙂
ParticipantHey, i read your previous post, whats made you change your mind? 3 months ago you said you wanted the baby, you had been trying for it, and you hoped it would be healthy, and now your saying that you want an abortion. Just wondering whats changed in thoes months?
I know parents can put a lot of pressure on you to do something, but you said that you refused last time, do the same thing this time. Do the right thing for your child, afterall, your the one who created them, and are ment to protect them.
ParticipantI have just one question, why are you wanting to keep it a secret?
You may not show for a bit, but to hide the bump, baggy shirts, or thoes pretty little tops that kinda drop from the bust (if you know what i mean? they tend to make you look skinnier too :p)
with drinking, just drink coke, they dont need to know theres nothing else in there :p or grab a bottle from home (like a cruiser or something), fill it with similar coloured softdrink, no one will ever know :p
no idea about the sports thing, you can say your not felling well for a couple of times, but that may get a little suspect….
Also nausea is a bit of a give away, so try and eat small meals regulally so that you may not feel as sicky, and try and have a protein snack before bed.
another thing is doctors checkups and preggy vitamins. Your bed to have the correct vitamins, but you can just take the lable off the bottle and say they are a normal multivitamin. Depending on where abouts you are, there are free clinics that will give you checkups without telling anyone, else bulkbilling doctors or similar.
Hope that helps a bit.