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  • in reply to: My Now Ex Tried to Kill Our Unborn Child #15476

    I truly hope you dont misscary and I plead with you to not abort. Please keep this baby and do not believe the lie that you wont be a good mom. I sometimes have a hard time looking at my daughter because of my past with her dad but it is very rare that those thoughts come up. she is a special girl to my heart and even when I fail her she treats me like I’m the best mom in the world 🙂 Please dont be afraid … Stand Up

    in reply to: is this normal #15460

    Yes it is normal to be angry and sad. I am sorry that you have found yourself in such a painful situation. I pray that you will find forgiveness in your heart and allow this truly painful and sobering experience to change your life and the way you live it. From this point on my encouragement would be to not allow yourself to be in a situation to become pregnant untill marriage. Save your body for your future husband. And use this experience to love on other girls who are hurting as you can relate to them. May the Lord bring healing to your broken heart 🙂

    in reply to: What do i do… SCARED! #15459

    Well I think we have all found ourselves in situations where we made the wrong choice. The good thing is that you know what you did was wrong. My hope for you is that you would truly pray and evaluate who your " real " friends are. Do they inhibit you from being the best mother you possibly could be? Does the time you spend with them take away from the time you could be loving on your children? If you spend less time with people who are "free" and single you may not end up making decisions that would harm your family. I have two young children my self and I think we often believe the lie that when you have kids all your "friends" quit coming around but in my case I think when I got my act together and accepted and embraced motherhood I chose to protect my family by not letting the "friends" from my past into my new life unless they valued decent family values 🙂 Forgiveness is such a wonderful thing embrace it. My prayers are with you 🙂

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