i am so glad i read your post! we are both in the EXACT same situation. I am an only child really wanting to have a baby. My bofriend and are going to get married and we are soon moving in together. He’s not ready and wants to wait and i feel like i can’t wait to have a baby. Im off BC and he knows that we dont use condoms as often as we should and we use the withdrawl method. but he stil insists we wont get pregnant.I know that sooner or later its goin to happen but i found myself asking the same question, and i think its not respectful to lie. You should just try and sit down and just talk to him explain to him where your coming from. If he keep saying no then thats were you make your choice. You may have to respect that and wait or he may need to respect you and try. Just remember he loves you and you love him and it will happen when its time. Love much! let me know how it goes =)