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  • in reply to: Mum pushing Abortion #28194

    Hippielove, how are you doing? I am very glad that you are determined to love & care for your baby through this pregnancy. Have you been getting good rest & taking pre-natal vitamins? Do you have friends who support you? Are you still considering adoption? Have you met with perspective adoptive couples yet? Did you find any that you think would make a good mommy & daddy for your son or daughter?

    It’s very important, Hippielove, that you begin to look at your life from God’s perspective. He is the One who designed, created, sustains & rules over you. He has given us His commandments & we are to live by them all of our lives. Do you have a Bible? If you don’t, I would like to send you one. Sexual sin is very serious to God. He requires that we wait until we are covenanted in marriage to be sexually intimate. He calls us to repent (turn from all the ways in which we have disobeyed Him & sinned) & cry out to Jesus for mercy & forgiveness. That is the message of the gospel & the only way of salvation. Hope to hear from you soon.

    in reply to: help #28193

    Kyle, have you become pregnant? If you are pregnant, I want you to know that your baby is a sweet gift from God. Psalm 127:3 says: “Children are a gift of the Lord”. Be sure to ask Him to help you to love & treasure your infant & keep your baby safe.

    God has given us strict instructions (commandments) to wait until we are married for sex. ” Know this for sure, that no sexually immoral person…has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God” Ephesians 5:5. When we disobey His command we are in serious trouble with God. Cry out to Him to forgive you for your sexual sin & commit to never repeating this behavior. Every time we break one of God’s commandments, we sin against God. Did you know that we will be judged according to whether we have obeyed God’s commandments? It’s true! The Bible tells us that in order for us to be forgiven for all of the times we have lied, stolen, used God’s Name, been sexually immoral, etc, we must repent (confess & forsake) all of our sin & trust in Jesus Christ. Only Christ can save us from the power & penalty of our sin (which is HELL). I urge you to stop sleeping with your boyfriend & cry out to Jesus to forgive you. Do you have a Bible? If you do, read the Gospel of John today. If you don’t, please let me know & I would be glad to send one to you.

    in reply to: Is it wrong? #28192

    Meganelizabeth, God created us women with a desire to love, to respond & to nurture. However, He also has given us boundaries for how & when we are to express our love. Did you know that sexual intimacy is forbidden outside of marriage? The Bible warns that no sexually immoral person has any inheritance in the kingdom of heaven. (Look at Ephesians 5:5) Honey, this means that having sex with someone you are not married to is a serious sin & God requires you to stop your sexual relationship with your boyfriend. I know that seems hard, Megan, but you can trust that God knows exactly how we are to live because He is your Designer, Creator & He sustains your life.

    Psalm 127:3 says: “Children are a gift of the Lord.” Megan, if you ARE pregnant, your baby is a gift from God to you. And, I am very thankful that you want to love your baby. However, God requires that you repent (confess your sin & turn away from it) & trust in Him. The only way that you can be forgiven & made right with God is to have your sins covered by Jesus Christ, who shed His blood to provide an atonement for sin. If you are pregnant, your little one will need a godly mommy. Please let me know if you have any questions, sweetheart.

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