your not a screw 15 an pregnante.i told my mom the first day she took it realy well and i asked her to not tell my dad until i was ready.which wasnt much long after becasue it ate me up inside.And you know what for the temper he has he took it so much better than i one of the other girls said please dont do an abortion. YOU can do it. i know you can.god made women tough for a reason. Screw your boyfriend hes the one missing out on all the beustiful sonogram appointments and the amazing feeling of the babys kicks.except the ones in the ribs lol.To tell you a secret im terrified but there is so many supportive people out there and on here. im on wic, and medicade and i live with my boyfriend and his mother.I made the first appointment for everything. my parents are just there for support and they still love me.Cause thats what parents do. Just call the nearest obgyn and say you took a test and your pregnant and you need an appointment. They wont judge you either.:) and if your friends were true friends they would be there for u like we all are.Im herer if you ever need to talk.:P