Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHey Hun,
Although I am 21, I am experiencing a somewhat similar situation. My boyfriend is in his 3rd year of university and I am in my second. As of right now, I am 20 weeks along. Neither one of us has a job. However, we have the full emotional support of our parents. I just want you to know, that an education is sooooooo important. If either one of you gets some sort of diploma or degree it will enable you to implement yourself into the workforce. Further allowing you to provide a better life for your baby. There is so much support out there for the three of you. It’s going to be hard work at first, but with dedication and perseverance, you can do it…I promise you at some point everything will get better. Is there any chance that you two would be moving closer to your parents? Anyways I hope all is well and good luck with everything! If you ever need to talk, don’t hesitate to message me.
~ Lauren 🙂
ParticipantAlright, as a psychology major I don’t even know where to start. Your boyfriend has serious problems. He sounds like compulsive cheater and an alcoholic. Either way, you don’t deserve his B***S*** and your kids definately don’t need a father figure like him in their lives. If he’s going to hurt anyone, let it be himself and only himself. Get yourself and your children away from him. It is crucial that your children have a healthy upbringing. They can’t keep observing the way you and your boyfriend interact, because, it will only cause negative emotional and psychological effects on them. I know you love your children and you want what’s best for them. The best thing is to move on from this abusive man. There are much better men out there who actually have the self control to keep their penis’ in their pants and not in every other girls vagina. Your a strong woman and mother. Please don’t believe his lies anymore. Do what’s best for your kids.
ParticipantDONT HAVE THE ABORTION. Regret is worse than anything else you might have to face. Wondering every day for the rest of your life what your baby might have been like will kill you. I’m saying this because I had an abortion a year ago and that decision still haunts me. You have a lot going for you. Don’t have the abortion PLEASE!!!!!! Holding your baby in your arms will be the best feeling ever. With or without the support of your parents and/or boyfriend, you CAN do this. Trust me, I’m 20 as well. I am pregnant…again.. about 9 weeks along, and i’m keeping my baby. I am in my second year of university, and i plan on finishing my second year. Just because you have a baby doesn’t mean your dreams come to an end. It just means that you have another person to share them with. I know that it is going to be tough…most things in life are. However, I know you can do this…because I know I can do it. My parents may hate me…but who cares…you can’t let the views of society scare you into having an abortion, Please listen to this advice. Although having an abortion may make your achieveing your goals a little more CONVENIENT. It will also tear you apart…That is no lie and remember that once you have made that decision there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to take it back. I wish you the best of luck with everything. Just remember that you can still live the life you have always dreamed of. Your just going to have to work a bit harder. And please don’t take the boyfriends advice to have an abortion because he has absolutely no idea what your going through, and chances are that once you have the abortion…you will end up hating and resenting him anyway. PLEASE RECONSIDER.