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ParticipantLooking back… my cousin drowned when I was very young, maybe 6. Im now 25. Her dad is still taking it hard. You turn to your wife, he turned to alcohol, you ask for advice, he asked for a fix, you will be a great father, he beat his following 2 kids… Do you see where Im going? Im not even positive where Im taking this. Unless someone is in your shoes they cannot say they understand only that they can try to imagine. I am deeply saddened and sorry for your loss. But she is here. All around you, trying to surround you with joy and love and peace. Are you a religious man? If so or not, turn to God. Give it to Jesus. But this could ony happen when the both of you are ready. Tell your wife how much you love her. Leave her tiny little love quotes around the house where you know she will find them. Rub her feet, massage her scalp softly. Hold her. If she talks about your agel with a smile, smile with her, if she cries, cry with her. Crying is good for the soul. Hang in there. Your son will not replace your angel, no one can, but he might just be that missing link, that little bundle of smiles to help to fill the void… just maybe..
ParticipantEverybody id going to have their own opinions on what to feed or do with your child. If your doctor says one thing and you want a 2nd opinion, ask WIC. I started giving my son rice cereal at 3 months when he could open his mouth as i put the spoon to it. Rice cereal in his bottle since 2 months. And worrying will be part of your everyday life. Thats love. My Mom tells me that you cant spoil a baby. But babies are smart lil things. When they get to that point when they cry just because they know for sure you will pick them up, youre spoiling them. If he is fed, dry, not cold or hot, if nothings hurting him, then let him cry. Crying wont hurt anything. My son has been crawling since 4 1/2m and walking since 7m and its scary. The falling and the bumping the head and putting things in his mouth… its normal to be nervous. but DO NOT let it consume you. If you dont have stairs, dont worry about him falling down stairs. All mothers have a divine instinct to protect their young.
If you need anything… Im herekm_hunt
ParticipantI think it may be difficult but raising children is difficult. If you know that in your heart that you are ready then dont let anyone hold you back. I have been trying for another since my son was 6m. Still no luck but you know when youre ready. I think its a great idea. I want another before I go too long and then have to start all over again. Your body knows when its the right time. Giving the gift of life is spectacular. GIVING BIRTH TO THE HUMAN RACE. Its beautiful.
ParticipantCongrats on the bundle of joy! My son was born 12/2 as well. Now, my sons father says he wants to be a part of his life but has never met him. He is running from the DNA test as well as the law. Has he seen your son? Has his family had a chance to meet him yet? You can try to talk to him, without yelling, and see what he has to say. If you need the financial assistance contact child support. But other than that, there really isnt anything you can do. You dont want to force him because then he might resent your son, treat him wrong or just get out of town. Is there a positive male figure in his life? Dont try to be Mommy and Daddy just a GREAT MOTHER. Im really sorry and I know that its painful because your lil man deserves all the love in the world. Hes the dumb ass who is missing out.
ParticipantSammie is right. There will be screaming and hurtfull words tossed about. Reassure her that now, more than ever, you are positive that you want to succeed in life. Not just for you, but for this little being growing inside of you. That you plan on creating the best future for your little one and that you will be a great Mother to your baby as she was and still is to you. That she has been a great role model for you and a great peovider and you want nothing less than that for your child. I hope things go smoothly. Im here if you need to talk.
ParticipantOnly a coward reacts that way, and at least you found out how he really was before things got deeper. Do you have an idea yet on what you plan on doing?
ParticipantBABY GIRL!!! I know that you are going through it but your parents seem like Nazi’s. These are YOUR BABIES!!! Is there anyway you can get out? Call the cops, call guardian ad litem and tell them your situation, there are lawyers who would be willing to help you for free. Get rid of that agreement. You were coerced into signing that. Does your boyfriend live with jis parents? If so will they allow you to stay there with the babies? You can take those babies wherever and whenever you please. Get out.
ParticipantHey, Im sorry to hear that youve had such a hard time. We all get there sometimes. The best thing, in my opinion, to do is to tell your boyfriend and leave your soon to be ex out of the picture. If your new man is indeed a real man then he will remain with you and raise this child as his own. I had an abortion 9 years ago when i was 16 and there is not a moment that goes by that I dont regret it, mourn my baby, and look at my 9 month old son and wish he would have that big sister. People will tell you that “its just a clump of cells” but its a human being. A human being that is at the stage of life in your womb, the exact stage where its supposed to be. People will call your baby a fetus so there is no emotional attachment to your “baby.” I volunteer at a pregnancy center 7 days a week. I am not a religious person but I am Pro-life. Your baby that is growing inside of you does not have a voice. Your baby is depending on you to speak for her. If you would like to contact me, do so here. Read up on abortions. Its disgusting what some mothers allow a doctor to do to their baby. Let alone kill it.