[color=#800080]hey girl… i totally know how that is i found out 2 nights ago im pregnant the thing that sucks tho is im only 16, 17 in Feb… you really need to take a test because if you do want to keep the baby and you are pregnant you should get on vitamins and stuff to help it grow so when you give birth its a healthy baby…. i am still with my boyfriend but finding out i am pregnant has only caused problems between us… but i was in the hospital with an intestional infection less than 2 weeks ago and didnt know i was expecting so they did xrays and put me on high doses of pain meds and stuff and my doctor said that if i were to have the baby it would be really sick so i have to have an abortion this thursday coming up… your not alone… there are so many of us out there who are going through this and it totally sucks find someone who you trust and who can help you decide what your going to do and who can be there for you when you need to talk…. good luck hope things become easier if you need anything just let me know…