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  • in reply to: I have a question?????? (long) #15002

    Hey girl,
    I am 3 months pregnant now but in a similar situation. Your chances of you being pregnant depend on your body. My husband and I had unprotected sex for 2 years and I havent gotten pregnant untill now. Some women get pregnant the very first time they have sex. As far as abortion goes…. I have been face with this issue as well. My husband Has decided he no longer wants to be married to me and have children with me unless i convert to his relegion. I am only 20 and face the whole young and alone issue. I thought about abortion and I went to a clinic twice in hopes id be able to do it. I thank god i didnt. I realize all of the dececions I have made in my life were conciously made by myself—- some good some bad. babies are a creation god has his hand in. Situations like this require alot of faith in god. If you Stay focused on keeping your baby safe healthy and happy- and keep your future in the picture, there is no reason girls and women like us shouldnt succeed. As far as the daddy goes—- pray for him. Girl, you and your baby deserve and man who wants to give you the world. So if he doesnt wanna then thats ok— you have enough love to give untill that type of man is in the picture. I hope I gave you some decent advice. write me back though id like to talk to ya – Andrea

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