Hey There
My name is Jennilee and i am from SA
So it sounds like this is your first baby you are having.
I am 24 weeks pregnant at the moment and i am huge lately i have also been having pains and little cramps here and there but i take it easy and breath.
WHen you need to worry is when you see blood and your baby doesnt kick or move for more than 3 days then you should know there is something wrong.
Sometimes the baby moves a lot and it hurts you or the baby lays on a nerve which is painful or even the baby could be laying on your bladder. See your baby is explorting its home so this stage he-she feels and kicks and lays in the wrong places which leaves us moms with pains.
I am going through the same as you are.
And at times the pains are so sore that i cry but i take it easy not for my sake but for the sake of my unborn baby.
Have fun with your pregnancy and make daily notes of what id happening to you body and what your bahy is doing. So when he-she arrives you can tell them all about there 9 month journey.
God Bless