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  • in reply to: Implantation bleeding? #24368

    hi, im also in a similar situation to yourself, i decided to come off of my pill to give my body chance to work by itself all because ive been taking it for years. I had two normal periods which were regular for the first time and then last months was just browninsh discharge and no real period came….i was also due to come on last week so i kinda understand your worry… through a close friends pregnancy i know that this looks very much like implantation bleeding and this is why i erge you to seek help from your doctor or at a clinic where they can help and advise you in whatever you decided to to…keep me posted xx

    in reply to: not sure if pregnant or not. #22423

    Hey….i havent been pregnant but i do have a close friend who is 17 and does have a young child, she says that from reading your problem it does just look as though your period may come as you do not seem to have had many other symptoms, stress can cause to delayed periods as i have suffered from that before and that scared me! if you really are that worried wait until your next period and then take another test and again if negative and your still worried, visit your doctor, there they can talk to you and do a blood test..hopefully everything comes out alrite for you…keep me posted x

    in reply to: Whats going on? #20702

    Hey everyone just thought id tell you that im not pregnant, thanks for all the help and advise:) xx

    in reply to: Whats going on? #20303

    yes thank you for the advise, i will wait a few days as my next period would be due then and ill test again…well i have had the bloated stomach before but havent had that for a while and im not sure how that may be related to the new pill i am on? x

    in reply to: Whats going on? #20302

    erm by ‘it would show by now’ i ment wouldnt it appear on a hpt? as ive take four? x

    in reply to: Whats going on? #20288

    Thank you very much to all replies! they were very helpfull….took two more tests…but still no period…i still have tender breasts and a seriously bloated belly…:( im so confused coz if i was pregnant? wouldnt it show by now? my next period is due in two days time?
    please help…..

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