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  • in reply to: Just letting it out #26965

    I am not going to judge you. It seems to me you have just reached a place, where nothing seems to fill that void inside you. Emptiness. We all reach that place at some point or another. For some we do not have to sink very far to find that emptiness and longing, other times we sink very far and try many things before we reach that place of emptiness.
    I do not was sound like I am preaching to you. I just want to tell you that. No matter what you have heard or believe, there is a God. really. and not only does he just exist somewhere out there in space. But he wants to have a relationship with you. We were created to have fellowship with God. That is why we try and fill up our lives with the things, people, drugs, etc. but we are meant to fill that hole with God. And He loves you! I mean really loves you! I do not know of very many people who would be willing to die for an innocent person, let alone a guilty one. But he did. Even when we despised Him, and sinned against Him, he died so we would be forgiven.
    We might see ourselves as “pretty good” I know I am guilty of thinking this, but before God I am not better than anyone else. I have done some pretty rotten things, and no matter what God loves me! He loves ME!! and he loves you too! All you have to do is admit to Him that you are a sinner, and you don;t have it all together, but that you believe in Him and his death and resurrection, and you will be saved you will be whole, with new meaning and life! I would be lost without Him. And you can be found in Him.

    in reply to: Please dont judge me! I have no one to talk to #26937


    We are not hear to judge you, but to comfort, support, and help you. 😀
    I am so sorry you are finding yourself in this predicament.

    I think though, that you first need to understand that no one can make you have an abortion, they can pressure, but they cannot force you. And if you were to have had your first child you would not have been disappointing your Aunt, I am sure.

    What you need to look at right now is, what is the next right thing to do. So may times we try to take too many things in and end up making bad choices. The most importance thing for your right now, is to worry about keeping your baby safe. Your boyfriend might threaten you but that does not mean he will follow through with it. If you feel the need for safety and protection I would call someone you trust, maybe your aunt or you could talk to someone at a pregnancy help center. But it is most important that you do not allow your boyfriend to pressure and threaten you in a way that would make you want to make a bad decision.
    You said you had an abortion before, so, you must know what abortion does, both to you and the baby. Do not do it again. Do what is right no matter what.
    I would also suggest you pray. It does work. God is really there and he loves you no matter what you have done. He loves me and I have made my share of mistakes. He is there ready to care for you. Just ask and He will listen to you.

    I will be praying for you.
    I am here if you ever want to talk.

    in reply to: 19 Years Old And Preg?? So Scared #26905

    hi SkyGirl,
    I first want to say that I cannot imagine what you are going through right now. I am 19 too, and I bet it is really very scary to be pregnant. Man, I know if it were me I would be so scared.
    My suggestion though, is to go to a Pregnancy Resource Center. They will give you a free pregnancy test and advice.
    I would also say that if you are pregnant, I would carry your baby to term. If you feel to young to raise it, there are a lot of people wanting and waiting to adopt.
    Also, I have read a lot of stories of girls who have aborted ( there are many on here and other sites such as and those girls regret their decisions and wish they could take it back. On the other hand, the girls who keep there babies, are the ones who usually go back to school and have no regrets. I hope I was some help.

    p.s. praying for you.

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