I really don’t think you should go through with it. You have a loving father who will help support you and your little baby, and it’s not like you can’t still finish school. This is just a bump in the road. You should try your best to take it in stride. I had an abortion almost a year ago and it was the worst decision I ever made. I wanted to just go on with my life being normal and took the easy way out. But I realize now that was a mistake. I’ve cried many nights and will live with this guilt for the rest of my life….I think about what it would’ve been like to be holding my little baby right now, but the truth is I’ll never know because of my heartless decision. Please make the right choice, because once you’ve had an abortion there’s no turning back and you will have to live with that constant guilt…which by the way isn’t easy to live with….. 🙁