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  • in reply to: what is the easiest way to tell your parents #14932

    hey girl, how old are you? the truth is, there’s no easy way to tell your parents about an unexpected pregnancy. even if you think they are going to kick you out of the house, you still have to tell them. they’re going to find out eventually! a lot of girls i’ve talked to have told me that their parents ended up being way more supportive than they expected, so try not to expect the worst. how far along are you? when you do tell your parents, try to talk to them at a time when they aren’t stressing out about other things that are going on in their lives. make sure that you explain to them how much their support means to you. make sure they know that you are willing to step up and take the lead in raising your child, but that you really want them to be a part of your child’s life. God willing, once they will get over the initial shock, they will end up supporting you in your courageous decision to have your baby and accept the amazing gift of life that God has given you. is your baby’s daddy still in the picture? do you have any relatives or friends that you think would be willing to take you in if your parents did kick you out? if "no" on both accounts, still dont’ worry–there are so many organizations you can turn to for help. i feel like there is so much more to talk about that i could never say in this message and without knowing your situation better! write me back, ok?? my email is emcenroe@gmail.com. hang in there! i will be praying for you.

    in reply to: should i or not????? #13641

    i second that advice!! it really would be a monumental violation of trust to go behind your fiancee’s back like that. if you were in his position, how would you feel? i’m guessing you would feel totally betrayed. true love and lasting relationships are based on willingness to sacrifice and total honesty. you do not want to jepordize what the two of you have simply because you have decided that you want to have two kids in your twenties. any babies you have together will be equally as much his as they are yours, so he should have equally as much say as to when you have them. if he’s not ready, you have to respect that. if you truly love him, you will. i can’t imagine making love to someone knowing that i was potentially creating a new life not out of mutual love and respect, but out of selfishness. which is essentially lying. a couple years is not going to kill you!
    also, dont’ forget to factor God into the equation!! in my opinion, that’s even more important than how you feel about this man or how much you want a baby. but that’s just me. it’s tricky giving advice that for some is totally based on faith, and for others, simply a question of circumstance. oh well. don’t do this to your fiancee. if he knows how important having kids is to you, maybe he will compromise a little. in either case, wait till you are married. good luck!


    in reply to: Dated a Rapist #13639

    don’t tell us you can’t leave this man. you can, and you absolutely have to. you don’t have to tell him you’re leaving–just go, at the first possible opportunity. go to the nearest police or fire station and ask for help. explain your situation to them and they will not turn you away. you and your baby will be protected and cared for! they will be able to refer you to agencies that can help you through the rest of your pregnancy and beyond. Birthright is an amazing pregnancy counseling organization that has offices all over the US, Britain, and Canada. their toll-free # is 1-800-550-4900, and their website is http://www.birthright.org. you can search to find the closest location to where you live. who knows, it could be right down the street, and even if it isn’t, they can still help you.
    GO TO THE POLICE AS SOON AS YOU GET THIS MESSAGE. GET HELP NOW OR YOU WILL REGRET IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! he doesn’t love you OR your baby. your baby is counting on you to protect him/her! YOU CAN DO THIS! we are all praying for you. just trust that God will see you through this difficult time.
    you and your baby deserve so much better than this!! i wish you the best of luck–keep us posted! don’t make it too long until we hear from you again!

    God bless yoU!


    in reply to: Dated a Rapist #13571

    Girl, I have one thing to say to you. Get out of there, and quick. You’re not crazy to still love him–you’re only human. But should you still love him? Absolutley not. Go to the poliece if you have to. Stay with a relative until you feel you and your baby are safe. You should NEVER have to be afraid of someone who is supposed to love you. That’s not love, that’s control. If this guy really loved you he would be willing to sacrifice what he may want for you and the child you have created. You and your baby deserve all the best things life has to offer, and this is never going to happen as long as this man is still in your life. I know it’s hard, but for your sake and the sake of your little baby, Stand Up, Girl!! Get out of this abusive relationship as soon as you possibly can. I will be praying that happens as soon as you read this message.

    God bless you! Let me know if you ever want to talk! I’m always here.


    in reply to: 10 wks pregnant and I havent made my decision yet #13570

    Dear Kat,

    I think it is wonderful that you care so much about your baby! We are the same age and I cannot tell you how much my heart goes out to you and your little one right now. For your sake and for the sake of YOUR CHILD, please don’t have an abortion. Any differences you may have with your boyfriend’s family can’t even compare to how you will feel if let them talk you into killing your baby. You have the right idea about everything–you only want the best for your baby!! I totally respect the fact that you want to raise your child in your culture and so should they–and if they don’t, forget them. You just have to trust that God has a plan for the both of you and that somehow, everything is going to be ok. Remember that God never gives us anything we can’t handle. He has given you the miracle of a new human life!! Cherish, love, and protect it!

    Good luck, girl! I am here if you ever need to talk! I will be praying for you and your little one!

    Emily 😉

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