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Participanthey i understand what you’re going through.when i found out i had only been with the guy for a little while and abortion was the only thing he could see as an option.guys just don’t get what it feels like when you are pregnant,the thought of purposely killing your child is just impossible-well it was for me anyway.he told me if i didn’t abort then he never wanted to hear from me or the child ever again and that if i did abort he promised to be with me forever and later in the future we could have children and all this crap.and in weak moments i believed him and actually considered abortion.but luckily i pulled through my doubts and stood my ground.and yeah he cut me out of his life and i havent spoken to him since.not a day goes by that i am not proud for the decision i made and stuck by and i cant imagine how much it would have messed me up if i had of aborted.maybe you will end up in my situation,maybe you will have to go through this without him.and it isnt easy,its the hardest thing ive ever done,but its worth 26 weeks now and my baby is worth far more to me than any guy could ever will get through this,and when the times right you will tell your mum and no mater what happens here on out you will get through it and be a stronger person because of it.if you ever need to talk write me ok
Participantim in a really similar situation as i found out at 5 weeks pregnant and am a real party girl so had been drinking a lot at weekends and was also a heavy smoker,im scared that ive harmed my baby but at the end of the day i didnt know so i cant feel guilty and i just pray my bubba will be healthy,its in gods hands as healthy as you can from now on!thats what im doing!hope to talk soon!gemma
Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/10/16 12:59
Participantim so sorry to hear that.boyfriends can be boyfrend left me because i wudnt have an abortion.but dont worry,you will have babies in the future and they will be wonderful im sure