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Participantim in the same situation except my boyfrined still wants to be with me he just says this is the right thing to do because the timing is all wrong and he will be there everystep of the way and he genuinely seems to be as upset about the abortion which is scheduled for Dec 8th as I am, but I fall asleep everynight holding my belly and telling this baby I am so sorry and crying asking God to fogive me for what I am about to do… But Honestly a few days ago I thought I was going to loose my mind trying to decide and I said GOD u know whats best please show me or tell me what to do and yesterday I was with my boyfriend and I just got this feeling that everything is going to be ok that God does everything for a reason and I need to take something from this experience and thats that u can have all the love in the world and u can love your child to death but love wont feed that child love wont clothe this child my first child was stillborn so nobody wants a baby more then I do but I learned that even though I love my boyfriend and this is what he wanted in the beginning, I had to be completely real and true to myself and I didnt make a move in any direction until I was sure and comfortable and didnt feel forced, believe me I want my baby, but when I bring a child in this world I want it to have 2 loving parents not 1 parent who wanted them and 1 parent who didnt, however this is and will be my first and last abortion i will not become 1 of those females who treat abortions like minor trips to the grocery store I will do what I should have been doing in the first place having responsible sex w. my bf so that I will never have to put myself or another baby throught this again