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  • in reply to: HELP ME I NEED ADVICE!!!! #14270

    hey my name is stormy. i am twenty and will be twetny one in may. i was eightteen when i got pregnant with my first son. marshall. he will be two in march. i now have a second son who is two and a half months. when i first told my mom and dad they were fine, i told my mom first. she was eighteen when she got pregnant with her first daugher , my oldest sister on my moms side, and so she understood how it was to be young and in love. my dad i was scared to tell. i didnt want him to be dissapointed in me as he always called me his baby girl(even though he has a younger daughter) so with my mom there i told him. he was quiet at first then told me that if i had been younger than eighteen he would have been upset but because i was 18 and an adult he was fine with it. when i was bout five months he actually started to get excited ( he has many other grandchildren) everytime i saw hime he would ask how much longer till the baby was here. then the day before i had marhsall my dad had a stroke. i took marshall to see himas much as i could. my dad never got to meet my second son. he passed away oct 4 my baby was only few weeks old. just tell them. you are an adult and if they dont come around at first when they see ur lil bundly of joy they will come to love him/her. hope all goes well god bless

    in reply to: I’m 16 and just ruined my life #14269

    hey ashley i have a friend who got pregant when she was thriteen and had her baby at fourteen. she had a precuaous lil girl who is now four and in pre k. my friend is also going to be graduating high school this yr and her baby’s daddy who is also my nephew is almost twenty and is in the army. they are doing great and hope to soon add a boy to their family but as he is going to iraqe sometime after may they will have to wait atleast two yrs. she doesnt want him to miss the pregnancy or birth so they have decided to wait. anyway i am twenty soon to be twenty-one and i have tweetny two month old boy and a two and half month old baby boy. they are my little maricles. and their father and i got married soon after we found out i was pregnant with our first. i know things may be scary and uncertain right now but i beleive you can do it and that you will be a great mother. keep me posted on how things go. hope everything works out great for you like it did for me and my friend and many many others god bless you all

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