My advice, for what it is worth, is to take your time making this decision, Do Not Rush! Get as much education about abortion as possible so that you are fully aware of what happens to the life inside of you before you decide to go through with it. It is not a pretty procedure, and your baby will feel the pain of being torn from your body. And you will feel the pain of memory for the rest of your life. If you feel that you cannot keep this baby you can adopt it out. There are open adoptions as well, where you can be involved in the babies life, even though you are not raising the child. Please consider the truth of abortion before you go through with it. I have been there, I made the WRONG decision and now I live with it daily. Please if you need to talk, contact me. I will be happy to speak with you anytime. This is one of the biggest life changing decisions you will make, take the time to really consider what you are doing and do the right thing.
I will be praying for you,
Until we speak again…
~Bobbie Jo