im new and got tough decision to make

by | 2009 | Real Stories

hi im new. i was forced to have an abortion at age 15 me and my boyfriend had been together for a while. and like many of you ladies after i had the abortion my boyfriend came clean and admitted he would of loved to have been a dad. that was 18months ago. ive just […]

hi im new.

i was forced to have an abortion at age 15 me and my boyfriend had been together for a while. and like many of you ladies after i had the abortion my boyfriend came clean and admitted he would of loved to have been a dad. that was 18months ago. ive just found out that im 6weeks pregnant again and the same things have happened all over again….our famillies are pressuring us for an abortion and becasue of the money situation my now fiancee and i are struggling with what we should choose. life 0r abortion? 

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