So a couple of days ago, I found out that I couldn’t have kids… I am 19 years old and this was a huge surprise. Not that I am planning on having kids just yet, but one day I did want kids… Anyway, I am dating this guy and he has a kid, a year and six month-old boy… This is great. The only problem is his baby mama… She is, ugg, I can’t even describe her… She cares more bout her drug of choice than the baby… This drives me crazy because, for one, this little boy deserves so much better, and secondly, I can’t believe God gave her a baby. It pisses me off that I can’t have kids and she already has a beautiful baby boy that she takes for granted… I don’t get why God chose a mom like that for a wonderful child like this little innocent boy instead of one who knows how to take care of him and who cares and shows him every day that she cares. It drives me absolutely crazy that she gets to have this little boy and that she’s going to lose him because she’s so stupid that she can’t see what’s right in front of her… See I grew up in a home that was broken and where there were always drugs and lots of drinking. It was horrible! I was put into foster care and then taken out and then thrown back in several times and that was hell! At the age of 10, I was finally put into foster care permanently. I was bounced from home to home… It’s no way to grow up and I really don’t want that to happen to that little boy, I know my boyfriend and his mom wouldn’t let that happen, but that little boy deserves so much better and it makes me mad and sad that I can’t do anything to help… I would do anything to be able to have kids and it kills me that there are people out there who are so dense and self-centered that they can’t see what’s right in front of them, till it’s too late…
might be pregnant
I was a virgin till I started dating this guy...