so much excitment πŸ™‚

by | 2010 | Real Stories

I’m in my second trimester exactly 20 weeks tomorrow (april 19, 2010, monday) is my check up with my new OB (Dra. Agoncillo) and I’m so excited because the past few days my baby is really moving inside my womb and I can’t help it im so happy. no one can make me feel this […]

I’m in my second trimester exactly 20 weeks tomorrow (april 19, 2010, monday) is my check up with my new OB (Dra. Agoncillo) and I’m so excited because the past few days my baby is really moving inside my womb and I can’t help it im so happy. no one can make me feel this happiness. you’re just sitting watching tv, listening to music, eating, chatting with someone and I can really feel my baby is moving and for a while I need to stop whatever I’m doing and talk to my baby πŸ™‚

I’m also hoping that tomorrow we will know the gender of my baby. (cross fingers) because my baby is 20 weeks already. πŸ™‚

My boyfriend and I were so much excited for tomorrow! πŸ™‚

good luck to me!


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