Real Girls, Real Stories

Find yourself feeling alone, scared? Read stories of other women who have been there. Need someone to talk to? Contact Sofia!

help me… am afraid,,

Help me answer the questions on my mind. Is it safe to have sex, 6 days after menstruation? Could I get pregnant? My last menstruation started on...

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My son Kieran Xavier was born on the 22 of November, 6 weeks premature; 5 pound 5 ounces. We all thought we were going to lose him. He was in the...

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Hey... I need some advice... Well, I have been having some pain on my boobs and I get really sleepy. I sometimes have some pain like if they were...

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Not this again!

Well, a lot has happened lately :/ A while back, I was pregnant with my fiancé's baby, but he was in Israel and he was not supporting me at all and...

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