Real Girls, Real Stories

Find yourself feeling alone, scared? Read stories of other women who have been there. Need someone to talk to? Contact Sofia!

Yaay for more waiting.. :/

So, my boyfriend texted his friend at work (who is a mom, she is older. He calls her his second mom.) She is really nice. Anyways, he asked her if...

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7 months already!?

Well, as you may know from my profile  I am pregnant. I did the due date calculator on the site, and it said I was due around the 17th of October....

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What to do?

So I have a question for all of you teen moms... How did you cope with schooling? I just finished Grade Eleven, and my little guy is due three days...

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Made a mistake

Alright, so I know that people make mistakes. But are they not supposed to learn from them? I always thought I did good by not repeating the same...

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Contact Sofia
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